
The Church of Conc is a team fortress classic (TFC) skill server, and this is the server's web page. Since 2007 we've provided a home for those wishing to hone thier conc jump skills. Over the years, Concers from Around the World have tested thier skills on the server. The game server's IP address is <> and it is located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The server has one rule → Be nice. (do not cheat, spam, block, kill, flame, disrupt, etc.)

Are you new to conc jumping and want to learn more?
Check out the basic conc skills tutorial.

Church of Conc has many commands to enhance your concing experience. These commands allow you to:
    - Start a map vote
    - Nominate a map for the vote
    - List all maps on the server
    - Save / Load your position
    - Inspect a jump using noclip
    - Skip a jump using noclip
    - Give yourself God-mode or quad-damage
    - Change to a class not allowed by the map
    - View a speedometer
    - Request admin support / file a complaint
    - Glow various colors
Other features:
    - Conc Skill Statistics
    - Over 350 maps
    - No dizzy effect from your concs
    - No blast effect from the concs of others
    - Automatic unstick
    - Voice communication between teams enabled
    - Music / sounds triggered from text
    - IRC channel #Church_of_Conc on <>
    - The Church of Conc steam group
On standard (non-skill) maps, many of these commands / features will be disabled. Some commands / features are also disabled on race maps.

Server contacts can be found at #Church_of_Conc on <>.