Chat Logger

00:09:30 "|xP|Yodie^FS<187><STEAM_0:0:588612><Mad Concers>" disconnected with server running juggle_prac
00:15:49 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
00:44:56 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
01:14:02 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jumpskillz
01:43:11 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jumpstart
02:12:17 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running K_ConcMap
02:23:51 "squishy[S N]<190><STEAM_0:0:8928879><>" entered the game with server running K_ConcMap
02:24:01 "squishy[S N]<190><STEAM_0:0:8928879><Blue>" disconnected with server running K_ConcMap
02:41:23 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concland2
03:10:29 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concland4a
03:39:36 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concland4b
04:08:43 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concworld_r
04:37:53 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
05:07:01 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running multiskillz_r
05:36:07 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running phsyco_ward_r
06:05:14 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running pipe_conc_jump
06:34:23 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running planet_conc
07:03:28 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running r123
07:04:44 "Bishop<191><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running r123
07:16:11 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running r123
07:16:15 "Bishop<192><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running r123
07:27:33 "|xP|Yodie^FS<194><STEAM_0:0:588612><>" entered the game with server running r123
07:28:11 "|xP|Yodie^FS<194><STEAM_0:0:588612><Blue>" disconnected with server running r123
07:41:31 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap6
07:41:36 "Bishop<192><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap6
08:01:18 "[Wings]TFAirlines<195><STEAM_0:1:967903><>" entered the game with server running concmap6
08:01:45 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 1
08:02:39 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:02:57 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:03:24 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:03:43 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:03:54 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:04:13 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : nominations
08:04:15 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : concheadz
08:04:20 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:04:40 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:04:50 "RaGe<197><STEAM_0:1:2770230><>" entered the game with server running concmap6
08:05:03 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : roll the dice
08:05:10 "RaGe<197><STEAM_0:1:2770230><The 1337 guys>" disconnected with server running concmap6
08:05:13 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:05:32 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:05:44 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:05:55 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:06:05 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:06:25 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:06:41 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:07:05 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:07:13 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:07:22 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:07:30 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:07:39 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:08:19 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
08:08:23 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipcheat
08:08:27 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
08:08:32 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipcheat
08:08:55 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : roll the dice
08:09:00 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : roll the dice
08:10:44 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concmap6> [Wings]TFAirlines : ??
08:10:48 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz
08:10:53 "Bishop<192><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concheadz
08:10:53 "[Wings]TFAirlines<195><STEAM_0:1:967903><>" entered the game with server running concheadz
08:10:59 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines :
08:10:59 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:11:53 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:12:04 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:13:07 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:13:31 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:14:10 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:14:49 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:15:07 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:15:34 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : roll the dice
08:16:07 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:16:46 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
08:17:10 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipoff
08:17:17 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
08:17:44 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipoff
08:18:36 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : concheadz2
08:18:36 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : rtv
08:18:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz> *SPEC*Bishop : rtv
08:18:51 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : oh tehre u r :P
08:18:58 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz> [Wings]TFAirlines : is this teh end of the map though?
08:19:27 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz2
08:19:30 "Bishop<192><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concheadz2
08:19:46 "[Wings]TFAirlines<199><STEAM_0:1:967903><>" entered the game with server running concheadz2
08:19:52 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:21:25 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:22:14 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /l
08:22:49 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : ok where to from here?
08:23:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz2> *SPEC*Bishop : bbl
08:23:07 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : :(
08:23:07 "Bishop<192><STEAM_0:1:3721192><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concheadz2
08:23:20 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
08:23:29 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /
08:23:39 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipoff
08:23:44 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
08:23:54 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipcheat
08:26:19 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:27:02 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:27:05 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:27:08 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concheadz2> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
08:29:35 "[Wings]TFAirlines<199><STEAM_0:1:967903><concheadz>" disconnected with server running concheadz2
08:48:34 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
09:17:40 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz4
09:46:46 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concjump
10:05:46 "Precaching Resources<203><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running concjump
10:06:50 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjump> Precaching Resources : save me
10:25:19 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjump> Superman : noclip
10:25:23 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjump> Superman : noclipme
10:25:41 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjump> Superman : noclipchieat
10:25:48 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjump> Superman : noclipcheat
10:26:10 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjump> Superman : rtv
10:27:11 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concjumptfc
10:27:39 "Superman<204><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running concjumptfc
10:34:29 "[Wings]TFAirlines<205><STEAM_0:1:967903><>" entered the game with server running concjumptfc
10:34:40 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 6
10:34:46 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:35:56 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : can you hh this one
10:35:56 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 4
10:36:09 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : not without sound just a sec
10:37:20 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : did you see that one?
10:37:26 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : is is that hh
10:37:29 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : ya
10:37:42 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : hh + wallstrafe
10:38:13 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:38:28 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : concjumptfc_sythe
10:38:38 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 3
10:38:53 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:39:00 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /remove quad
10:39:08 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> (Team) Superman : how do you be soldier
10:39:15 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : i said class soldier (/class)
10:39:24 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : i said /class soldier
10:39:32 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:39:32 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : /class soldier
10:39:49 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : and to give yourself quad, god, ammo, nades...
10:39:52 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : say /give all
10:39:58 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : /give all
10:40:06 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : and you know about saveme and posme right?
10:40:10 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:40:11 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : yeah
10:40:21 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : and you know you can use them in midair?
10:40:26 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : no
10:40:32 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : off the wall right
10:40:43 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 4
10:40:53 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : you can't rj off the water
10:40:53 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : roll the dice
10:40:55 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:41:03 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 6
10:41:05 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : gj
10:41:10 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:41:29 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:41:34 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:41:46 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:42:22 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:43:07 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : this one
10:43:16 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : try a HH nade jump
10:43:25 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : eitehr that or
10:43:29 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : don't drop it so soon
10:43:43 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:44:17 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 4
10:44:34 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : u make it?
10:44:35 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 6
10:44:38 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : yeah waitin
10:44:41 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:44:57 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : :(
10:44:58 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 5
10:45:12 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : what letter do i choose
10:45:13 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 6
10:45:16 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : any of them
10:45:22 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : easy, medium, hard ending
10:45:26 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : ic
10:45:30 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : took easy
10:45:33 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : i saw
10:45:36 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : console said
10:45:37 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:46:05 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : oh i finieshed
10:46:21 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
10:46:28 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : /give all
10:46:56 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipcheat
10:47:03 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 4
10:47:17 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 6
10:47:23 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:47:34 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : /give all
10:47:48 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:47:57 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 4
10:48:23 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 6
10:48:25 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : nextmap
10:48:32 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:48:55 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 4
10:49:10 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 6
10:49:15 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : wow this map is easy haha
10:49:17 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : haha
10:49:22 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:49:23 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : rtv
10:49:39 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
10:49:55 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> (Team) Superman :
10:50:01 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : bishop is at gas chamber
10:50:04 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : i know
10:50:10 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : wanna go
10:50:12 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : nah
10:50:14 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : banned there
10:50:21 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : you too come?
10:50:22 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipcheat
10:50:35 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : didn't know they auto ban for saying the n word backwards
10:50:40 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /class 9
10:50:45 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : ic
10:50:47 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concjumptfc> Superman : brb
10:50:51 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : and i was just asking if ppl were referring to the word
10:51:02 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> *DEAD*[Wings]TFAirlines : so i said spelled backwards is it r3gg1n (but with an e and i)
10:51:06 "Superman<204><STEAM_0:0:20739431><Conc Jumpers>" disconnected with server running concjumptfc
10:52:08 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:53:33 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:54:20 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:55:45 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
10:56:18 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : rtv
10:56:24 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : timeleft
10:56:35 "Bishop<206><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concjumptfc
10:56:36 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : timeleft
10:56:48 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines :
10:56:48 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : timeleft
10:57:09 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : :D
10:57:20 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : ever tried getting points this way?
10:57:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> Bishop : no
10:57:34 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : go see where my tele exit is ,)
10:57:46 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : it's in the teleport wall on hard ending :D
10:58:00 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : lol
10:58:11 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : heh
10:58:13 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : hehe
10:58:29 "noob<208><STEAM_0:1:3486524><>" entered the game with server running concjumptfc
10:58:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> Bishop : how u build in there
10:58:43 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : i'll show you
10:58:49 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : tele to me
10:58:52 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : look where tele is
10:59:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> Bishop : rtv
10:59:10 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : where to?
10:59:13 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : nextmap
10:59:14 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : nominations
10:59:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> Bishop : anywhere else
10:59:19 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : but here?
10:59:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> (Team) Bishop : rgr
10:59:36 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : what was that high juggle map where hte bags say 1000 2000 3000 4000 and so on?
10:59:39 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines :
10:59:41 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines :
10:59:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> Bishop : conc_noob_hill
10:59:50 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : with fairly bright colors
10:59:52 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : ok
10:59:53 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : rtv
10:59:57 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : i can't rock it again
11:00:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> Bishop : rtv
11:00:12 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <concjumptfc> noob : rtv
11:00:18 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concjumptfc> Bishop : odd
11:00:30 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : hmm
11:00:35 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : i like jolt's voting system
11:00:37 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : at least on FM
11:00:47 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : it'll tell you how many more ppl need to rock vote...
11:00:58 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <concjumptfc> [Wings]TFAirlines : and will tell you live how many votes each map has and how long u have left to vote
11:01:42 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:01:45 "Bishop<206><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:01:47 "[Wings]TFAirlines<205><STEAM_0:1:967903><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:01:49 "noob<209><STEAM_0:1:3486524><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:01:51 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:02:09 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:02:20 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:02:31 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:03:21 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:03:31 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:03:49 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:04:01 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:04:26 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:04:34 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:04:43 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:05:03 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:05:25 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : why am i spiking so bad
11:05:32 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <conc_noob_hill> noob : me2 =(
11:05:36 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : :(
11:05:40 "Bishop<206><STEAM_0:1:3721192><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
11:05:41 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : what's your net connection status?
11:05:59 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <conc_noob_hill> noob : cable?
11:06:03 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <conc_noob_hill> noob : lol
11:06:08 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> *SPEC*[Wings]TFAirlines : i was talking to bishop but he left before i could type it :P
11:06:31 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:06:48 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:07:18 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
11:10:38 "ill4death<210><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:10:50 "ill4death<210><STEAM_0:0:3805830><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
11:11:02 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <conc_noob_hill> noob : Whats a website for new models/sprites? I can't remember
11:11:10 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : neitehr do i
11:12:49 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : anyway i gtg
11:12:50 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <conc_noob_hill> [Wings]TFAirlines : l8r
11:12:54 "[Wings]TFAirlines<205><STEAM_0:1:967903><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
11:13:15 "|xP|Yodie^FS<211><STEAM_0:0:588612><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:15:07 "noob<209><STEAM_0:1:3486524><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
11:16:54 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_noob_hill> |xP|Yodie^FS :
11:21:09 "tfc<212><STEAM_0:1:16119107><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:21:17 <STEAM_0:1:16119107><> <conc_noob_hill> (Team)tfc : NOW a SCOUT
11:22:10 "tfc<212><STEAM_0:1:16119107><Red>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
11:24:33 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_noob_hill> |xP|Yodie^FS :
11:26:12 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_noob_hill> |xP|Yodie^FS : thetime
11:26:48 "Bishop<213><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
11:27:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_noob_hill> Bishop : sup yodie
11:27:39 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_noob_hill> |xP|Yodie^FS : not much
11:27:46 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_noob_hill> |xP|Yodie^FS : practicing jugglin
11:27:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_noob_hill> Bishop : back to this map eh
11:28:18 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_noob_hill> |xP|Yodie^FS : how many lvls are there?
11:28:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_noob_hill> Bishop : 7800
11:29:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_noob_hill> Bishop : this is next to last
11:30:17 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_noob_hill> |xP|Yodie^FS : lol i remember conc hell
11:30:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_noob_hill> Bishop : 7932 i guess
11:30:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_noob_hill> Bishop : one after the one ur on
11:31:14 "Bishop<213><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_playground
11:31:31 "|xP|Yodie^FS<214><STEAM_0:0:588612><>" entered the game with server running conc_playground
11:41:12 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : i hate holes in the wall
11:44:05 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
11:44:14 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipoff
11:47:00 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : ah
11:47:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : there a lil blue ball there
11:47:10 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : hard to see
11:47:13 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : yeah
11:48:00 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
11:48:07 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : wow
11:48:09 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipoff
11:48:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : woot
11:52:50 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
11:52:58 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipcheat
11:53:33 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : wow
11:54:44 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : so close that time
11:54:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : i htinku need aconc
11:54:53 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : yeah
11:57:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : about ot get
12:00:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : woot
12:00:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : last jump is cake
12:07:02 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
12:07:10 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipcheat
12:07:52 "The King of Town<216><STEAM_0:1:16740243><>" entered the game with server running conc_playground
12:10:32 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : sup kingof town
12:11:18 "The King of Town<216><STEAM_0:1:16740243><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_playground
12:11:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> (Team) Bishop : gj
12:11:40 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : hehe only had to cheat twice
12:11:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : ready to rtv
12:11:48 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <conc_playground> |xP|Yodie^FS : rtv
12:11:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_playground> Bishop : rtv
12:12:58 "[NSA]A|ice<218><STEAM_0:1:1856215><>" entered the game with server running conc_playground
12:13:26 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
12:13:31 "Bishop<213><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
12:14:15 "|xP|Yodie^FS<219><STEAM_0:0:588612><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
12:14:20 "[NSA]A|ice<220><STEAM_0:1:1856215><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
12:14:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : sup alice
12:14:42 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : hey
12:15:03 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> *DEAD*[NSA]A|ice : wow
12:17:16 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : whats this thing with the laser
12:17:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : jump into top of it
12:17:35 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : what
12:18:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : get in to top of beam
12:18:11 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ok
12:18:52 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : and then
12:19:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : thats the jump
12:19:09 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : i have to go down
12:19:16 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ythat river?
12:19:41 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : go down then around
12:19:47 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : stay out of water if u can
12:20:00 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : hmm
12:20:29 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : givenades
12:20:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : use /give
12:20:36 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : /givenades]
12:20:39 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : and nades
12:20:44 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : es
12:21:06 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : when do i drop the conc
12:21:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : fin
12:21:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : glow white
12:21:22 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : _
12:21:25 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ?
12:21:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : hmm
12:21:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u drop as u head goes by the plat u stand on
12:22:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : ur head*
12:22:16 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : when do i prime it
12:22:17 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
12:22:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : only one conc
12:22:29 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipoff
12:22:36 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : yeah ok when do u jumop
12:22:44 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice :
12:23:24 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS :
12:23:45 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : /givenades
12:23:52 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : thers a bag here
12:24:15 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS :
12:24:47 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ok prime it at top and hold
12:24:53 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : when do i jump
12:25:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : run off at 2.8
12:25:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : or 2.7
12:25:26 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : lol how do i know its 2,7
12:25:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : 7 tens of the way to beep 3
12:25:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : thenths*
12:26:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : or maybe thing, just a little b4 beep 3
12:26:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : thnk*
12:26:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u drop it to late
12:26:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : when ur here
12:26:44 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : too many turns
12:26:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : sry
12:26:52 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : its ok
12:27:02 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : so when im where
12:27:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : release
12:27:09 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : straigjht down
12:27:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : better
12:27:25 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : good release
12:27:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : but face more down on relase
12:27:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : save ur pos
12:27:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : then just posme
12:28:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : droped late
12:29:13 "Superman<221><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
12:29:26 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : /give all
12:29:28 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : so this is air strafe agin
12:29:31 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ...
12:29:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : eya
12:29:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> (Team) Bishop : MG Upgraded requested %p
12:29:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> (Team) Bishop : land on the rocks u might be able to force ur self along
12:30:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : i prime another right away in case i need more
12:30:51 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : can be done in one thou
12:31:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : wanna spec me
12:31:18 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ok
12:31:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : sup super
12:31:34 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> *SPEC*[NSA]A|ice : ok
12:31:57 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> *SPEC*[NSA]A|ice : lol theres no way i can do this one
12:32:06 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : /noclipme
12:32:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : why
12:32:13 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipme
12:32:17 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : lol wait till you get two past it
12:32:20 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> *SPEC*[NSA]A|ice : because yof that corner
12:32:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : there it is in one
12:32:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : after the conc explodes... release all keys but the left strafe
12:32:50 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipcheat
12:32:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : then just look around the corner
12:33:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : and ull go
12:33:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : :)
12:33:20 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipme
12:33:30 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
12:33:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : in one
12:33:44 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipcheat
12:33:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : maybe just try for a single
12:34:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : worry about two concs makes it harder
12:34:16 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipcheat
12:34:47 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS :
12:34:47 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : look down on toss
12:34:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : no
12:34:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : straight down
12:35:04 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : yeah is didnt drop it
12:35:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u need conc to be behind u so u go forward and up
12:35:44 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipme
12:35:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : maybe try landing on one of the rocks
12:36:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : if ur not going to make it all the way
12:36:03 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipcheat
12:36:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : drop a tad alter
12:36:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> (Team) Bishop : Flag Thrown
12:36:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> (Team) Bishop : Flag Thrown
12:36:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : later
12:36:25 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
12:36:41 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : run off more
12:36:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u start to close to edge
12:36:51 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : yea
12:36:55 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipoff
12:36:56 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipme
12:37:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : ooo almost a good one
12:37:27 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipcheat
12:38:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> (Team) Bishop : Flag Thrown
12:38:14 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : the next is is crazy
12:38:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u r droping early
12:38:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : ran off early
12:39:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> (Team) Bishop : Flag Thrown
12:39:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : yea u can use those rocks
12:40:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : ok now
12:40:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : just look down the rock edge
12:40:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : and release on 3.5
12:40:29 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : backwards
12:40:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> (Team) Bishop : rgr
12:40:58 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : /givenades
12:41:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : no need to jump
12:41:23 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ?
12:41:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : have to throw thou
12:41:27 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : hold it?
12:41:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : no
12:41:29 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ok
12:41:58 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : /givenades
12:42:09 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : woot
12:42:09 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ay
12:42:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : gj
12:42:32 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : where no
12:42:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : hh #2
12:42:35 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : w
12:42:41 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : fast prime
12:42:52 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : like on _r
12:43:00 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : yeah
12:43:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : dont jump to far
12:43:05 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : i thought so >C
12:43:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : look
12:43:34 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ?
12:43:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : hehe
12:43:45 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : hehe
12:43:51 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : bloddy skeleton
12:44:00 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice :
12:45:09 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : and then
12:45:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : prime conc2 on beep 2
12:45:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : and hh it
12:45:53 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : and u strafe around 3 corners
12:46:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : dont here
12:46:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : down*
12:46:27 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : just run off
12:46:41 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : 2 corners?
12:46:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : dont want too much height
12:46:44 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : >C
12:46:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : or 3
12:46:50 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : aww
12:46:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : 2
12:48:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : so after u run off...only touch ur left strafe key
12:48:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : and then look around the corners
12:48:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : dontjump
12:48:48 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : ok
12:48:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u r getting too much height
12:49:29 "cptchris`pHd^vi~!<224><STEAM_0:1:889991><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
12:49:55 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> (Team) Superman :
12:49:59 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : /class
12:50:09 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : /class scout
12:51:20 "Riken<226><STEAM_0:1:3486524><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
12:51:22 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : is this a uk server?
12:51:25 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : no
12:51:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : california
12:52:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : run off sooner
12:52:55 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : /class scout
12:53:21 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipme
12:53:32 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : run off sooner
12:53:41 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : yyea
12:54:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : nice one
12:55:10 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : run off sooner
12:55:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : and i think
12:55:27 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : ur priming 2 a little earlt
12:55:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : early
12:55:57 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : god finally
12:56:11 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : only had to cheat on the U
12:56:18 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : anyone good with computers?
12:56:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : depends on the problem
12:56:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : what u got
12:56:50 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : my speakers are only playing low tones as of late
12:57:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : have u tried other speakers
12:57:32 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS :
12:57:34 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : no, i dont have anymore, but ive been using these for a bunch of things for awhile
12:58:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u probably can make droping them but has to be perfect
12:58:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : i would hh
12:58:58 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : lol ill never get these jumps
12:59:00 "Riken<226><STEAM_0:1:3486524><Tinkers>" disconnected with server running concheadz3
12:59:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : yodie do this
12:59:12 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipme
13:00:02 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : noclipcheat
13:00:08 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <concheadz3> |xP|Yodie^FS : lol getting to same place as always
13:00:45 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : where are you sposed to go after 2?
13:00:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : into laser at top
13:01:26 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : so is concing still big?
13:01:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : of course
13:01:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u like to conc
13:01:49 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : nice, any vi guys still around?
13:01:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : ?
13:01:57 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : absolutly
13:01:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : proly
13:02:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u would know better than me
13:02:36 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <concheadz3> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : nah, i havent played in years
13:03:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : u must face forward
13:03:18 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : to see around corners
13:03:26 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : im bored >C
13:03:29 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : i give up
13:03:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : ah
13:03:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concheadz3> Bishop : rtv
13:03:40 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concheadz3> Superman : rtv
13:03:43 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <concheadz3> [NSA]A|ice : rtv
13:05:15 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running think_concing
13:05:18 "Bishop<213><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running think_concing
13:05:42 "cptchris`pHd^vi~!<227><STEAM_0:1:889991><>" entered the game with server running think_concing
13:05:48 "|xP|Yodie^FS<228><STEAM_0:0:588612><>" entered the game with server running think_concing
13:05:53 "[NSA]A|ice<229><STEAM_0:1:1856215><>" entered the game with server running think_concing
13:06:01 "Superman<230><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running think_concing
13:07:39 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <think_concing> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : where the hell do you have to go?
13:07:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : up
13:07:51 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : which jump
13:07:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : 2?
13:07:58 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <think_concing> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : 1
13:08:05 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <think_concing> [NSA]A|ice : in that hole
13:08:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : over wall and in hole
13:08:27 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <think_concing> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : ohhh, the skys a tele
13:11:11 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <think_concing> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipme
13:11:22 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <think_concing> |xP|Yodie^FS : noclipoff
13:12:14 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <think_concing> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : haha knocked back to 2
13:14:28 <STEAM_0:1:889991><> <think_concing> cptchris`pHd^vi~! : peace guys
13:14:30 "cptchris`pHd^vi~!<227><STEAM_0:1:889991><Concers>" disconnected with server running think_concing
13:14:47 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <think_concing> [NSA]A|ice : im gonna plaz sniper aabit
13:14:53 <STEAM_0:1:1856215><> <think_concing> [NSA]A|ice : ybye
13:14:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : gg
13:15:00 "[NSA]A|ice<229><STEAM_0:1:1856215><Concers>" disconnected with server running think_concing
13:15:08 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <think_concing> |xP|Yodie^FS : hey on three i get half way and it sends me back
13:15:32 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : dont go too hiegh
13:15:35 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <think_concing> |xP|Yodie^FS : oh
13:16:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : fin
13:17:18 <STEAM_0:0:588612><> <think_concing> |xP|Yodie^FS : im out lol seeya tomorrow bishop
13:17:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : okay
13:17:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : gg
13:17:29 "|xP|Yodie^FS<228><STEAM_0:0:588612><Concers>" disconnected with server running think_concing
13:19:12 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : what number u on
13:21:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <think_concing> Bishop : super?
13:25:58 "Superman<230><STEAM_0:0:20739431><Concers>" disconnected with server running think_concing
13:34:22 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running anticonc
13:34:28 "Bishop<231><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running anticonc
13:49:02 "Riken<233><STEAM_0:1:3486524><>" entered the game with server running anticonc
13:50:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : hi
13:50:27 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <anticonc> Riken : hi
13:55:01 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <anticonc> Riken : listmaps
13:55:17 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <anticonc> Riken : vote concmap_esad
13:55:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> (Team) Bishop : Flag Thrown
13:55:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : the ending sux
13:56:08 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <anticonc> Riken : oops
13:56:12 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : i did that too
13:56:16 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <anticonc> Riken : lol
13:56:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : tricky
13:57:48 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <anticonc> Riken : whats the other map that has th e corner like th is?
13:57:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : ?
13:58:10 <STEAM_0:1:3486524><> <anticonc> Riken : >_< iduno, an easy conc map
14:00:12 "Gonzalez<235><STEAM_0:0:91589><>" entered the game with server running anticonc
14:00:25 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : wtf is this
14:00:27 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : sup conz
14:00:34 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : man
14:00:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : a conc map
14:00:42 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : what do i do bro
14:00:53 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : i just anted to paly something wit real ppl
14:01:01 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : but i dont even know ho to play this
14:01:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : have u played a conc map b4
14:01:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : ?
14:01:28 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : where do i conc to
14:01:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : up and around
14:01:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : yhave u conced b4?
14:01:49 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : i hold it
14:01:57 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : n let it go right b4 it goes of
14:02:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : say /help
14:02:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : and theres a tutorial
14:02:11 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : help
14:02:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <anticonc> Bishop : but this map is tough for a beginer
14:02:21 <STEAM_0:0:91589><> <anticonc> Gonzalez : help
14:03:39 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
14:03:42 "Bishop<231><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
14:03:53 "Riken<236><STEAM_0:1:3486524><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
14:04:19 "Gonzalez<237><STEAM_0:0:91589><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
14:05:00 "Gonzalez<237><STEAM_0:0:91589><[ESAD]Concers'>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad
14:18:53 "Riken<236><STEAM_0:1:3486524><[ESAD]Concers'>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad
14:32:49 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad2
14:32:53 "Bishop<231><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad2
14:51:47 "RaGe - The Go Getta<239><STEAM_0:1:2770230><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad2
14:52:49 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <concmap_esad2> *SPEC*RaGe - The Go Getta : wtf
14:52:54 "RaGe - The Go Getta<239><STEAM_0:1:2770230><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad2
15:01:56 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad3
15:02:01 "Bishop<231><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad3
15:19:01 "Spyder<240><STEAM_0:0:1536414><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad3
15:26:57 "Spyder<240><STEAM_0:0:1536414><[ESAD] Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad3
15:31:03 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad4
15:31:30 "Bishop<231><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad4
15:34:41 "Bishop<231><STEAM_0:1:3721192><[ESAD]>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad4
16:00:11 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad5
16:02:19 "Superman<243><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad5
16:03:02 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concmap_esad5> Superman : /class soldier
16:03:16 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concmap_esad5> Superman : /give all
16:04:00 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concmap_esad5> Superman : rtv
16:04:46 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <concmap_esad5> Superman : rtv
16:05:47 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
16:06:13 "Superman<244><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
16:06:33 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <impact_conc> Superman : /class soldier
16:06:51 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <impact_conc> Superman : /give all
16:08:52 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <impact_conc> Superman : noclipme
16:09:40 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <impact_conc> Superman : noclipcheat
16:09:59 "Superman<244><STEAM_0:0:20739431><Green Panthers>" disconnected with server running impact_conc
16:24:19 "[Wings]TFAirlines<245><STEAM_0:1:967903><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
16:24:53 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : concmap_mc2
16:25:02 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
16:26:17 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipoff
16:26:23 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
16:28:21 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipcheat
16:28:41 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /give all
16:29:07 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipon
16:29:16 <STEAM_0:1:967903><> <impact_conc> [Wings]TFAirlines : /clipcheat
16:30:34 "[Wings]TFAirlines<245><STEAM_0:1:967903><Green Panthers>" disconnected with server running impact_conc
16:34:53 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running juggle_jolt
17:04:00 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running juggle_prac
17:27:14 "Superman<247><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running juggle_prac
17:31:26 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <juggle_prac> Superman : j
17:33:11 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc2fort
17:33:27 "Superman<248><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running conc2fort
17:35:41 "daniel man<250><STEAM_0:1:11050599><>" entered the game with server running conc2fort
17:42:07 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc2fort> Superman : /give all
17:43:43 "daniel man<250><STEAM_0:1:11050599><Yellow Dm>" disconnected with server running conc2fort
17:43:51 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc2fort> Superman : rtv
17:45:20 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_juggle_237
17:47:22 "Superman<251><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running conc_juggle_237
17:51:21 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_237> Superman : rtv
17:51:58 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_237> Superman : rtv
17:52:04 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_237> Superman : /help
17:52:26 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_juggle_esc
17:52:44 "Superman<252><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running conc_juggle_esc
17:53:45 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_esc> Superman : /give all
17:54:13 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_esc> Superman : listmaps
17:54:58 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_esc> Superman : nominate conc_noob_hill
17:55:13 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_esc> Superman : /help
17:55:26 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_esc> Superman : rockthevote
17:56:28 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_esc> Superman : rtv
17:57:20 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_juggle_esc> Superman : rtv
17:58:32 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
17:58:36 "Superman<252><STEAM_0:0:20739431><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
18:24:26 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_noob_hill> Superman : /help]
18:24:29 <STEAM_0:0:20739431><> <conc_noob_hill> Superman : /help
18:36:59 "Superman<252><STEAM_0:0:20739431><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
18:42:39 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_playground
19:11:46 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_rave
19:40:53 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_sand
20:10:12 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_school_r
20:39:17 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_sev
21:08:23 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_sklz
21:37:30 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
22:06:37 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
22:19:41 "Where is your God now?<256><STEAM_0:1:10904124><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
22:19:41 "syosyinsya<257><STEAM_0:0:3358140><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
22:24:41 "Where is your God now?<256><STEAM_0:1:10904124><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed2
22:25:10 <STEAM_0:0:3358140><> <conc_speed2> syosyinsya : vote extend
22:33:13 "syosyinsya<257><STEAM_0:0:3358140><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed2
22:35:43 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
22:56:33 "-=EA=-Megakiller[GETS]<259><STEAM_0:1:3691740><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
22:57:04 "-=EA=-Megakiller[GETS]<259><STEAM_0:1:3691740><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed3_b3
22:59:08 "-=EA=-Megakiller[GETS]<260><STEAM_0:1:3691740><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
22:59:38 "-=EA=-Megakiller[GETS]<260><STEAM_0:1:3691740><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed3_b3
23:04:49 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe
23:33:56 "CofC TV<6><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2