Chat Logger

00:00:32 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> asdf : oh um
00:00:33 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : Beep Beep on the move!
00:00:36 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> asdf : was just messing with settings
00:00:45 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : lol
00:01:04 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : omg rizzo
00:01:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : dinosaur
00:01:20 "-=}SOTF{=- *DjX*<123><STEAM_0:0:2344><Fatteh>" disconnected with server running jump_strafe2
00:01:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : good clip
00:01:25 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : play it to rizzo
00:03:43 <STEAM_0:1:7908520><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*chainsaw [PH] : wow
00:05:17 "chainsaw [PH]<125><STEAM_0:1:7908520><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running jump_strafe2
00:06:21 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : wire?
00:07:46 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : /noclip
00:07:51 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : /noclipme
00:07:53 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : noclipme
00:07:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : no /
00:08:36 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : sw
00:08:39 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : noclipme
00:08:43 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : noclipoff
00:12:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : this is pissin me off now
00:12:48 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : noclipme
00:13:57 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : noclipoff
00:14:24 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : wirehead
00:14:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> (Team) Bishop : rgr
00:14:30 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : ya
00:14:34 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : what u doin
00:14:38 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : messing with mic
00:14:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : asdf ur wirehead
00:14:51 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : ya hi
00:14:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : not last jump[
00:15:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : but by the time i get this one im sick of the map
00:15:58 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : goddamn
00:16:24 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : reinstall sound drivers
00:16:29 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : the headphone setup has a mic attached but
00:16:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : how u guys doing in ur league
00:16:37 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe : 1-0
00:16:41 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jump_strafe2> RaGe :
00:16:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> (Team) Bishop : ncie
00:16:43 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : I use earbuds, so am having to affix that mic to some other headband
00:17:33 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : ah
00:17:40 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : try talking now
00:17:54 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : voice_scale 1.5 seems to help
00:17:59 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : everyone was so quiet
00:18:06 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jump_strafe2> *SPEC*asdf : hi
00:18:21 "RaGe<121><STEAM_0:1:2770230><Jumpers>" disconnected with server running jump_strafe2
00:24:12 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : ug
00:24:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <jump_strafe2> Bishop : i need a break
00:24:41 "Bishop<114><STEAM_0:1:3721192><Jumpers>" disconnected with server running jump_strafe2
00:28:26 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jumpstart
00:28:47 "asdf<128><STEAM_0:1:5469049><>" entered the game with server running jumpstart
00:30:23 "RaGe<129><STEAM_0:1:2770230><>" entered the game with server running jumpstart
00:32:37 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : ah ok
00:32:39 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : h
00:32:46 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : still quiet
00:33:02 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : ok now it's lower but overdriven
00:33:06 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : tried voice_scale 2
00:33:17 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : yeah same
00:33:24 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : is your mic a uniform distance from the mouth
00:33:32 <STEAM_0:1:2770230><> <jumpstart> RaGe : its close
00:33:42 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : sometimes it's crystal clear
00:33:57 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : other times it's like fading in and out
00:34:00 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : yeah that time was ok
00:34:07 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : yeah
00:34:11 <STEAM_0:1:5469049><> <jumpstart> asdf : brb few mins
00:34:25 "RaGe<129><STEAM_0:1:2770230><Red>" disconnected with server running jumpstart
00:42:34 "asdf<128><STEAM_0:1:5469049><Red>" disconnected with server running jumpstart
00:57:11 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
00:57:20 "Bishop<130><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
01:02:43 "sToNeD_PeOn<132><STEAM_0:0:12618758><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
01:43:21 "sToNeD_PeOn<132><STEAM_0:0:12618758><Green Panthers>" disconnected with server running impact_conc
01:56:23 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running juggle_jolt
01:56:40 "Bishop<130><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running juggle_jolt
02:25:32 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running juggle_prac
02:25:37 "Bishop<130><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running juggle_prac
02:30:41 "Bishop<130><STEAM_0:1:3721192><Mad Concers>" disconnected with server running juggle_prac
02:33:31 "-=db=-noaim<134><STEAM_0:1:22344533><>" entered the game with server running juggle_prac
02:36:40 "-=db=-noaim<134><STEAM_0:1:22344533><Mad Concers>" disconnected with server running juggle_prac
02:54:39 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
03:13:14 "enji<136><STEAM_0:1:4596904><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
03:18:28 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <jump_strafe> enji : rtv
03:19:46 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap
03:20:05 "enji<137><STEAM_0:1:4596904><>" entered the game with server running concmap
03:26:27 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap> enji : rtv
03:27:53 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_mind
03:28:39 "enji<138><STEAM_0:1:4596904><>" entered the game with server running conc_mind
03:30:03 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /give all
03:37:22 "jailbait<140><STEAM_0:0:23858069><>" entered the game with server running conc_mind
03:38:20 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : hi
03:38:23 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : hi
03:38:36 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : what jump you on
03:38:52 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : i dont know.. :(
03:39:10 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : i dindt count
03:39:13 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : heh
03:39:17 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : didnt
03:39:20 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : 2nd keeps sendin me back
03:39:29 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:39:57 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /give all
03:40:06 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : say /give all
03:40:13 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : help
03:40:16 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : /help
03:40:18 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : say / give all
03:40:22 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : /giveall
03:40:34 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : say saveme
03:40:50 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : lol
03:40:53 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : you can save ur position
03:40:55 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : yea
03:40:57 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:41:02 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : throw me a conc
03:41:25 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : haha
03:41:45 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : this one has to be a double
03:41:51 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : yes
03:42:01 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : hh 2nd one
03:42:02 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : ?
03:42:06 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : yes
03:42:11 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : keep ur sec conc
03:43:03 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : :)
03:43:04 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : i dropped it
03:43:10 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : ah
03:43:32 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : dbl?
03:43:35 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : i dont like this jump
03:43:39 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : yes
03:44:11 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : ahh theres a hole
03:44:16 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:44:33 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : you need to turn arond
03:44:38 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:44:53 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipon
03:45:06 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipoff
03:45:13 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : /noclip
03:45:21 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipon
03:45:33 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipon
03:45:35 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : i dont like that hole
03:45:43 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : me too
03:45:50 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipoff
03:45:57 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipon
03:46:08 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipoff
03:46:10 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait :
03:46:10 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:46:16 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipon
03:46:28 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipoff
03:46:35 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipon
03:47:29 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:47:44 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : damn
03:47:57 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : i can juggle
03:48:00 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : but i cant do this
03:48:05 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : haha
03:48:09 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : aa
03:48:10 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : damn
03:48:57 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /clipoff
03:49:02 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : damn
03:49:21 "weskers<142><STEAM_0:0:7438020><>" entered the game with server running conc_mind
03:49:40 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : hello
03:49:43 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : hi
03:49:44 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : hi
03:50:12 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:50:14 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : finally
03:50:14 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : lol
03:50:18 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : :)
03:50:48 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : wesker
03:50:56 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : say /give all
03:51:05 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : say / give all
03:51:21 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /class 9
03:51:28 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : this ones one nade
03:51:31 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : throw it in the corner
03:51:32 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers :
03:51:36 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : lol wtf
03:51:44 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : no
03:51:47 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : wek
03:51:48 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : look
03:52:05 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : ahaha
03:52:13 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : /give all
03:52:18 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : /giveall
03:52:19 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait :
03:52:22 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : lol
03:52:31 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : what about me
03:53:00 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : this jumps hard
03:53:05 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : you forget me
03:53:12 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : -_-
03:53:12 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : type / giveall
03:53:15 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : without the space
03:53:21 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : /giveall
03:53:45 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : wek
03:53:53 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : you do realise this is conc jumpin right?
03:53:59 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : savepos
03:54:08 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : saveme
03:54:09 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : i am in
03:54:25 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : /class 3
03:54:35 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : /giveall
03:55:14 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : how to chose other charaters?
03:55:23 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : type / class
03:55:28 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : and whatever number it is
03:55:29 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : /class
03:55:30 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji :
03:55:41 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : / class 5
03:55:42 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : /class 1
03:56:01 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : man
03:56:02 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : /class5
03:56:07 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : i dont think i can do this jump as a soldier
03:56:09 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : /class 5
03:56:10 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : need space
03:56:20 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> *DEAD*weskers : try 6
03:56:24 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : nooooo
03:56:28 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <conc_mind> enji : sry
03:56:35 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : /class 3
03:56:38 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : ill shoot you across
03:56:47 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : get right there
03:56:55 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <conc_mind> weskers : /giveall
03:56:55 <STEAM_0:0:23858069><> <conc_mind> jailbait : line it up
03:57:14 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
03:57:39 "enji<143><STEAM_0:1:4596904><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
03:58:05 "weskers<144><STEAM_0:0:7438020><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
03:58:20 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : /class 3
03:58:20 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji :
03:58:31 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : /giveall
03:58:38 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : /give all
03:59:38 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : /class 3
03:59:53 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : /give all
04:00:18 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : rtv
04:00:21 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : rtv
04:01:39 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : /noclip
04:01:49 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : / clipon
04:01:55 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : /class 8
04:02:04 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : rtv
04:02:08 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : /clipon
04:02:21 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : rtv
04:02:28 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : /clipoff
04:02:43 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : 6
04:02:46 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : rgr
04:02:50 <STEAM_0:1:4596904><> <concmap_esad> enji : 6?
04:02:56 <STEAM_0:0:7438020><> <concmap_esad> weskers : 1
04:03:53 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running run3_r
04:32:58 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap5th
04:46:35 "nK<152><STEAM_0:1:622627><>" entered the game with server running concmap5th
04:50:12 "Conc_Worshiper (2)<152><STEAM_0:1:622627><-]5th[->" disconnected with server running concmap5th
05:02:05 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap6
05:31:11 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap7
06:00:18 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
06:03:04 "Big Mule<153><STEAM_0:0:949729><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
06:04:47 "Big Mule<153><STEAM_0:0:949729><ConcerZ>" disconnected with server running concmap8
06:29:25 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap9_r
06:58:31 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
07:27:39 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison_r
07:56:46 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison2
08:25:51 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_b0t
08:54:57 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_boss
09:24:04 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cd
09:53:10 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cheese
10:22:16 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi
10:51:23 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi2
11:11:15 "Dr.Butcher[PH]<154><STEAM_0:1:15595615><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi2
11:16:58 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : /noclip
11:17:04 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : /clipon
11:17:13 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : noclipcheat
11:21:59 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : /noclip
11:22:02 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : /clipon
11:22:19 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : noclipcheat
11:23:33 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : /clipon
11:23:43 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : noclipcheat
11:25:28 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : /clipon
11:25:40 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_csi2> Dr.Butcher[PH] : noclipcheat
11:26:23 "Dr.Butcher[PH]<154><STEAM_0:1:15595615><-]5th[->" disconnected with server running concmap_csi2
11:35:29 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi3
12:04:36 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dns
12:06:49 "-=db=-noaim<155><STEAM_0:1:22344533><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dns
12:07:38 "-=db=-noaim<155><STEAM_0:1:22344533><Blue>" disconnected with server running concmap_dns
12:33:43 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
13:02:50 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq2
13:31:55 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
14:01:02 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad2
14:30:09 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad3
14:59:15 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad4
15:27:34 "syt<157><STEAM_0:0:210321><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad4
15:28:22 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad5
15:35:10 "-=db=-noaim<159><STEAM_0:1:22344533><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad5
15:37:02 "Dr.Butcher[PH]<160><STEAM_0:1:15595615><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad5
15:37:12 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_esad5> Dr.Butcher[PH] : lol wow
15:37:18 <STEAM_0:1:22344533><> <concmap_esad5> -=db=-noaim : lol
15:37:26 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_esad5> Dr.Butcher[PH] : first thing i see haha
15:37:27 <STEAM_0:1:22344533><> <concmap_esad5> -=db=-noaim : never said i was smart
15:37:41 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_esad5> Dr.Butcher[PH] : here do this
15:39:55 <STEAM_0:1:22344533><> <concmap_esad5> -=db=-noaim : hehe
15:40:25 <STEAM_0:1:22344533><> <concmap_esad5> -=db=-noaim : made it
15:40:25 <STEAM_0:1:22344533><> <concmap_esad5> -=db=-noaim : lol
15:41:05 <STEAM_0:1:22344533><> <concmap_esad5> -=db=-noaim : jugglr
15:41:20 <STEAM_0:1:15595615><> <concmap_esad5> Dr.Butcher[PH] : juggler?
15:43:33 "-=db=-noaim<159><STEAM_0:1:22344533><[ESAD]Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad5
15:45:47 "Dr.Butcher[PH]<160><STEAM_0:1:15595615><[ESAD]Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad5
15:57:29 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad6
16:26:35 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad7
16:26:54 "interceptor45<162><STEAM_0:1:17929661><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad7
16:27:25 "interceptor45<162><STEAM_0:1:17929661><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad7
16:55:42 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad8
17:24:49 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad9
17:53:55 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad10
18:23:01 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad11
18:35:38 "tkg<163><STEAM_0:1:417084><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad11
18:52:08 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
18:52:10 "tkg<163><STEAM_0:1:417084><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
19:09:46 "-=db=- Mr. CR1M1N4L<164><STEAM_0:1:12762240><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
19:10:54 "-=db=- Mr. CR1M1N4L<164><STEAM_0:1:12762240><Groovy reverse>" disconnected with server running conc_groove
19:21:14 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
19:21:16 "tkg<163><STEAM_0:1:417084><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
19:29:46 <STEAM_0:1:417084><> <impact_conc> tkg : rtv
19:30:46 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad8
19:59:53 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad9
20:28:59 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad10
20:36:17 "Moon_Pie<167><STEAM_0:0:1675341><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad10
20:37:09 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <concmap_esad10> Moon_Pie : /clipon
20:37:23 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <concmap_esad10> Moon_Pie : /clipoff
20:41:11 "Moon_Pie<167><STEAM_0:0:1675341><[- StraferZ -]>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad10
20:56:20 "Bishop<168><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad10
20:56:31 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
20:56:34 "Bishop<168><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
21:08:23 "Moon_Pie<169><STEAM_0:0:1675341><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
21:08:36 "Moon_Pie<169><STEAM_0:0:1675341><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_2v2_hi
21:25:39 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_two
21:25:57 "Bishop<168><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_two
21:26:09 "Bishop<168><STEAM_0:1:3721192><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_2v2_two
21:38:32 "Bishop<171><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_two
21:38:59 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
21:39:03 "Bishop<172><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
21:42:01 "Moon_Pie<173><STEAM_0:0:1675341><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
21:42:15 "Moon_Pie<173><STEAM_0:0:1675341><Jumpers>" disconnected with server running jump_strafe2
21:59:41 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap5th
21:59:45 "Bishop<172><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap5th
22:02:12 "Moon_Pie<174><STEAM_0:0:1675341><>" entered the game with server running concmap5th
22:04:22 "Moon_Pie<174><STEAM_0:0:1675341><-]5th[->" disconnected with server running concmap5th
22:06:24 "Moon_Pie<175><STEAM_0:0:1675341><>" entered the game with server running concmap5th
22:06:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap5th> Bishop : which
22:06:52 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <concmap5th> Moon_Pie : listmaps
22:07:19 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <concmap5th> Moon_Pie : groove3?
22:07:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap5th> (Team) Bishop : rgr
22:07:49 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove3
22:07:52 "Bishop<172><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove3
22:07:52 "Moon_Pie<175><STEAM_0:0:1675341><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove3
22:08:18 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : trying to remember what jump i get stuck on
22:08:22 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : yeah
22:08:25 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : i think it's 8
22:10:58 "Player<177><STEAM_0:1:9944292><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove3
22:12:08 "Conc_Worshiper (4)<177><STEAM_0:1:9944292><Groovy Jumpers>" disconnected with server running conc_groove3
22:13:29 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : i got to the last jump on concmap mc
22:13:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : nie
22:13:47 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : nice
22:13:53 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : got that a few weeks ago
22:14:02 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : nic
22:21:24 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : what jump you on?
22:21:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : 5
22:26:04 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : why am i stuck on 3 jesus
22:34:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> (Team) Bishop : noclipme
22:35:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : noclipme
22:39:54 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : im gonna goooooo
22:39:56 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> (Team) Moon_Pie :
22:39:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> (Team) Bishop : rgr
22:39:57 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : cyaaaa
22:40:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : gg
22:40:03 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie : thx for the mapswitch
22:40:06 <STEAM_0:0:1675341><> <conc_groove3> Moon_Pie :
22:40:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_groove3> Bishop : np
22:40:08 "Moon_Pie<175><STEAM_0:0:1675341><Groovy Jumpers>" disconnected with server running conc_groove3
22:42:18 "Bishop<172><STEAM_0:1:3721192><Groovy Jumpers>" disconnected with server running conc_groove3
22:51:56 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_hell
23:21:01 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_high
23:50:09 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
23:59:23 "dmc<178><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2