Chat Logger

00:00:51 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running esad_speedconc
00:00:52 "ill4death<409><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running esad_speedconc
00:01:35 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <esad_speedconc> ill4death : /mapstats
00:09:46 "[KA]SKittles<412><STEAM_0:1:14258137><>" entered the game with server running esad_speedconc
00:17:18 "[KA]SKittles<412><STEAM_0:1:14258137><Quad Jumpers>" disconnected with server running esad_speedconc
00:29:57 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
00:29:59 "ill4death<409><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
00:30:14 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap2k3> ill4death : /mapstats
00:36:00 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap2k3> ill4death : /mapstats
00:36:56 "ill4death<409><STEAM_0:0:3805830><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap2k3
00:59:03 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap2
00:59:08 "monkeykungfu<415><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running concmap2
00:59:23 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <concmap2> monkeykungfu : /mapstats
00:59:28 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <concmap2> monkeykungfu : rtv
01:04:01 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <concmap2> monkeykungfu : /mapstats
01:04:10 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <concmap2> monkeykungfu : rtv
01:05:10 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_fal
01:05:15 "monkeykungfu<416><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running concmap_fal
01:08:32 "KIAN<418><STEAM_0:1:3948075><>" entered the game with server running concmap_fal
01:08:44 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_fal> KIAN : /give all
01:08:56 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_fal> KIAN : hi
01:08:58 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <concmap_fal> monkeykungfu : hi
01:12:09 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_fal> KIAN : /give all
01:14:17 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_fal> KIAN : /give all
01:15:51 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_fal> KIAN : rtv
01:15:53 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <concmap_fal> monkeykungfu : rtv
01:16:46 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_fal> KIAN : /give all
01:17:22 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ff_hh
01:17:40 "KIAN<419><STEAM_0:1:3948075><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ff_hh
01:17:55 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_ff_hh> KIAN : /class 3
01:18:06 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <concmap_ff_hh> KIAN : /give all
01:19:29 "KIAN<419><STEAM_0:1:3948075><HH Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_ff_hh
01:46:29 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_flz
01:15:35 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_i10
01:44:42 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ice
02:13:50 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ice2
02:42:58 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ice3_r
02:49:54 "kar<421><STEAM_0:1:5812383><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ice3_r
02:50:05 <STEAM_0:1:5812383><> <concmap_ice3_r> (Team) kar : -Scout-
02:52:13 <STEAM_0:1:5812383><> <concmap_ice3_r> kar : rtv
02:52:27 <STEAM_0:1:5812383><> <concmap_ice3_r> kar : noclip
02:52:29 <STEAM_0:1:5812383><> <concmap_ice3_r> kar : noclipme
02:53:14 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_icup
02:53:15 "kar<421><STEAM_0:1:5812383><>" entered the game with server running concmap_icup
02:53:20 <STEAM_0:1:5812383><> <concmap_icup> (Team) kar : -Soldier-
02:53:23 <STEAM_0:1:5812383><> <concmap_icup> kar : /give all
03:02:29 "kar<421><STEAM_0:1:5812383><Red>" disconnected with server running concmap_icup
03:15:10 "monkeykungfu<422><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running concmap_icup
03:22:20 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_k3
03:22:22 "monkeykungfu<422><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running conc_k3
03:22:35 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <conc_k3> monkeykungfu : /mapstats
03:26:15 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <conc_k3> monkeykungfu : rtv
03:27:20 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <conc_k3> monkeykungfu : rtv
03:28:27 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running Concmap_zG2
03:28:29 "monkeykungfu<422><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running Concmap_zG2
03:28:57 "monkeykungfu<422><STEAM_0:0:573133><Concerz>" disconnected with server running Concmap_zG2
03:57:35 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running Concmap_zG7
04:20:01 "monkeykungfu<423><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running Concmap_zG7
04:20:23 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <Concmap_zG7> monkeykungfu : rtv
04:20:32 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <Concmap_zG7> monkeykungfu : concquest_r
04:21:45 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concquest_r
04:21:45 "monkeykungfu<423><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running concquest_r
04:38:45 "monkeykungfu<423><STEAM_0:0:573133><Green Concers>" disconnected with server running concquest_r
04:50:49 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concskillz
05:17:59 "-=DoM=- Big Mule<425><STEAM_0:0:949729><>" entered the game with server running concskillz
05:23:31 <STEAM_0:0:949729><> <concskillz> -=DoM=- Big Mule : /clipon
05:23:57 "fear<427><STEAM_0:0:8397146><>" entered the game with server running concskillz
05:24:56 <STEAM_0:0:949729><> <concskillz> -=DoM=- Big Mule : /clipon
05:25:09 <STEAM_0:0:949729><> <concskillz> -=DoM=- Big Mule : /noclipoff
05:25:17 <STEAM_0:0:949729><> <concskillz> -=DoM=- Big Mule : noclipoff
05:27:50 "-=DoM=- Big Mule<425><STEAM_0:0:949729><Concer's>" disconnected with server running concskillz
05:34:14 "fear<427><STEAM_0:0:8397146><Concer's>" disconnected with server running concskillz
05:34:57 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concspirit_r
06:04:03 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2
06:33:09 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
06:48:54 "Doc McCoy<430><STEAM_0:1:18781644><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
06:49:03 "Doc McCoy<430><STEAM_0:1:18781644><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_2v2_hi
07:02:17 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_two
07:14:11 "zeke<431><STEAM_0:0:20099385><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_two
07:14:29 <STEAM_0:0:20099385><> <conc_2v2_two> zeke : rtv
07:15:30 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cpt
07:44:36 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cpt2
08:13:42 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi
08:42:51 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi2
08:56:47 "chris<432><STEAM_0:1:6231563><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi2
08:58:08 <STEAM_0:1:6231563><> <concmap_csi2> chris : ttg
08:59:22 "chris<432><STEAM_0:1:6231563><-]5th[->" disconnected with server running concmap_csi2
09:11:57 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi3
09:41:04 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dns
10:10:12 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
10:39:19 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq2
11:08:25 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
11:28:31 "zeke<434><STEAM_0:0:20099385><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
11:37:35 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
11:37:38 "zeke<434><STEAM_0:0:20099385><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
11:46:40 "zeke<434><STEAM_0:0:20099385><ConcerZ & DM>" disconnected with server running concmap_my4
12:02:14 "dmc<435><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
12:02:42 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_my4> dmc : conc_speed2
12:02:46 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_my4> dmc : rtv
12:03:47 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
12:03:51 "dmc<435><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
12:11:57 "KIAN<436><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
12:14:03 "[BD]Jesse_James<438><STEAM_0:0:193246><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
12:17:23 "bygone jones<439><STEAM_0:0:667112><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
12:17:34 <STEAM_0:0:667112><> <conc_speed2> bygone jones : ty
12:17:36 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : grats
12:18:04 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : /mapstats
12:18:13 <STEAM_0:0:667112><> <conc_speed2> bygone jones : /mapstats
12:20:32 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : /give all
12:20:42 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : god mode nice
12:20:50 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : /mapstats
12:22:24 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : lol
12:22:27 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : gosh i hate 18 lolz
12:22:45 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : 16
12:22:47 <STEAM_0:0:667112><> <conc_speed2> bygone jones : it hates you
12:22:58 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : you are mean bygone
12:23:00 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc :
12:23:04 <STEAM_0:0:667112><> <conc_speed2> bygone jones : :O
12:23:05 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : internet bully
12:23:10 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : lolz
12:23:13 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : lol
12:23:37 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : im at 8
12:23:54 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : grrr
12:24:39 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : hehe
12:24:44 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : noooo
12:25:03 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : srace_b4d
12:25:33 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : mulch_dm
12:25:34 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : rtv
12:26:27 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc : /skillme
12:26:44 "bygone jones<439><STEAM_0:0:667112><Reverse>" disconnected with server running conc_speed2
12:26:52 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed2> dmc :
12:26:55 "dmc<435><STEAM_0:0:14681290><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed2
12:28:03 "-/SS/-Oreoman<440><STEAM_0:1:24728768><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
12:29:44 "-/SS/-Oreoman<440><STEAM_0:1:24728768><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed2
12:30:55 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : /skillme
12:31:16 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : /mapstats
12:31:20 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : /mapstats
12:31:58 <STEAM_0:0:193246><> <conc_speed2> [BD]Jesse_James : /posme
12:32:32 "[BD]Jesse_James<438><STEAM_0:0:193246><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed2
12:32:54 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
12:38:50 "KIAN<441><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
12:49:54 "dmc<442><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
12:51:45 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed3_b3> dmc : /mapstats
12:53:03 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed3_b3> dmc : conc_strafe2
12:56:36 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed3_b3> dmc : rtv
12:57:33 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed3_b3> dmc : noclipme
12:57:58 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_speed3_b3> dmc : noclipoff
13:02:11 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
13:02:13 "dmc<442><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
13:04:28 "KIAN<443><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
13:13:13 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
13:13:33 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipoff
13:30:30 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
13:31:15 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
13:31:19 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipoff
13:49:41 "anchor-swinging Bioengineer<445><STEAM_0:1:4382735><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
13:53:54 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
13:54:14 "Conc_Worshiper (4)<445><STEAM_0:1:4382735><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
13:54:17 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipoff
13:56:26 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
13:56:52 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipoff
13:59:45 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:00:01 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:01:16 "penn<446><STEAM_0:1:2753073><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
14:07:53 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:07:59 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:08:02 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:08:59 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:09:13 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:09:30 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:09:33 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:10:20 "SubZ3r0<447><STEAM_0:0:302118><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
14:10:41 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : sup
14:10:48 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : hi
14:10:50 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_strafe2> penn : hey
14:10:52 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : Hi %i
14:11:25 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:11:42 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:12:24 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : scatman
14:12:47 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:13:15 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:13:33 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:13:49 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : w00t
14:13:52 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : beat 9
14:13:57 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_strafe2> penn : n1
14:14:12 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc :
14:14:24 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
14:15:31 "go gators<449><STEAM_0:1:20191200><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
14:15:42 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipoff
14:16:11 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : poop
14:16:12 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:16:29 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:16:47 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : poo
14:19:03 "Midget<451><STEAM_0:0:4573054><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
14:19:23 <STEAM_0:0:4573054><> <conc_strafe2> Midget : sup sub
14:19:30 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : hey midget
14:19:34 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : sup
14:20:07 "penn<446><STEAM_0:1:2753073><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
14:20:42 "go gators<449><STEAM_0:1:20191200><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
14:21:07 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : rtv
14:21:58 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : rtv
14:22:01 <STEAM_0:0:4573054><> <conc_strafe2> Midget : rtv
14:22:16 <STEAM_0:0:4573054><> <conc_strafe2> Midget : gah hate 5
14:22:20 <STEAM_0:0:4573054><> <conc_strafe2> Midget :
14:22:38 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : gotta go eat
14:22:40 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : bbl
14:22:42 <STEAM_0:0:4573054><> <conc_strafe2> Midget : cya
14:22:46 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : latet
14:22:48 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : later...
14:22:49 <STEAM_0:0:302118><> <conc_strafe2> SubZ3r0 : lol
14:22:54 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:22:56 "SubZ3r0<447><STEAM_0:0:302118><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
14:24:00 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:25:19 "Midget<451><STEAM_0:0:4573054><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
14:25:41 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:27:49 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
14:28:44 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipoff
14:29:03 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:30:21 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:30:43 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:31:22 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:31:26 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:31:37 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:32:07 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:32:43 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:33:17 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:34:12 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:34:31 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:35:05 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:36:16 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:37:33 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:39:18 "barrel jumping hacker<452><STEAM_0:0:124808><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
14:39:26 <STEAM_0:0:124808><> <conc_strafe2> (Team) barrel jumping hacker : "currently playing as [medic]
14:39:37 <STEAM_0:0:124808><> <conc_strafe2> barrel jumping hacker : i cam efor the good ping
14:39:40 "barrel jumping hacker<452><STEAM_0:0:124808><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
14:41:16 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:41:27 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:42:01 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:42:07 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:43:22 "-/SS/-Oreoman<454><STEAM_0:1:24728768><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
14:43:36 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:43:49 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:44:04 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:44:43 "-/SS/-Oreoman<454><STEAM_0:1:24728768><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
14:45:04 "syn is a nub.avi<456><STEAM_0:0:6592058><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
14:45:10 <STEAM_0:0:6592058><> <conc_strafe2> (Team) syn is a nub.avi : soldier hax loaded
14:47:42 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:49:12 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:50:48 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:51:34 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:52:01 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:52:31 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:53:00 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:53:06 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:54:15 "syn is a nub.avi<456><STEAM_0:0:6592058><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
14:55:16 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:55:36 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:56:14 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:56:40 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
14:57:37 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
15:01:22 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> (Team) dmc :
15:01:24 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipme
15:01:58 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : noclipoff
15:02:24 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
15:03:12 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc : /give grenades
15:03:26 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_strafe2> dmc :
15:03:27 "dmc<442><STEAM_0:0:14681290><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_strafe2
15:11:27 "monkeykungfu<457><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe2
15:16:30 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe
15:17:04 "monkeykungfu<459><STEAM_0:0:573133><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe
15:20:53 <STEAM_0:0:573133><> <esad_strafe> monkeykungfu : rtv
15:21:28 "monkeykungfu<459><STEAM_0:0:573133><Easy Strafers>" disconnected with server running esad_strafe
15:27:34 "KIAN<458><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe
15:32:23 "dmc<460><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe
15:33:14 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <esad_strafe> dmc : /mapstats
15:34:45 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <esad_strafe> dmc : /class scout
15:37:10 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <esad_strafe> dmc : noclipme
15:37:25 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <esad_strafe> dmc : noclipoff
15:43:06 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <esad_strafe> dmc : /give grenades
15:44:22 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <esad_strafe> dmc : noclipme
15:45:48 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
15:45:51 "dmc<460><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
15:52:56 "KIAN<461><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
15:54:18 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /class 3
15:54:33 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /give all
15:57:25 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /class 3
15:57:37 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /give all
15:59:00 "penn<462><STEAM_0:1:2753073><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
16:03:56 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : noclipme
16:04:27 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : noclipcheat
16:06:02 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /giveall
16:06:10 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /class 3
16:06:22 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /give all
16:09:42 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : noclipme
16:10:13 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : noclipcheat
16:10:15 "penn<462><STEAM_0:1:2753073><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_home2
16:20:03 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : rtv
16:20:22 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /give all
16:20:57 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /give all
16:21:42 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /class 3
16:23:53 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /give al for a little bit
16:24:05 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_home2> KIAN : /give all
16:27:05 "KIAN<461><STEAM_0:1:11834657><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_home2
16:29:54 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_jeepers
16:29:57 "dmc<460><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running conc_jeepers
16:37:40 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc : /mapstats
16:38:02 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc : /give grenades
16:41:48 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc : yrtv
16:41:51 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc : rtv
16:41:56 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc : conc_home2
16:42:06 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc :
16:42:22 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc :
16:42:27 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_jeepers> dmc :
16:43:04 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_school_r
16:43:07 "dmc<460><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running conc_school_r
16:43:28 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <conc_school_r> dmc : /mapstats
16:45:07 "dmc<460><STEAM_0:0:14681290><Yellow Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_school_r
16:54:22 "KIAN<464><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_school_r
16:54:50 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_school_r> KIAN : /give all
16:56:51 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_school_r> KIAN : /give all
16:58:19 "KIAN<464><STEAM_0:1:11834657><Green Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_school_r
17:12:13 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_sev
17:41:19 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_sklz
17:54:54 "cupcak<465><STEAM_0:1:3721617><>" entered the game with server running conc_sklz
17:55:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <conc_sklz> cupcak : /clipon
17:56:27 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
17:56:29 "cupcak<465><STEAM_0:1:3721617><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
18:04:39 "dmc<466><STEAM_0:0:14681290><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
18:13:53 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : /give grenades
18:14:03 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc :
18:14:21 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : i have no clue how to do 6
18:14:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : just have to strafe up through the second slit
18:14:58 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : one drop conc>
18:14:58 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : ?
18:15:00 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : takes a bit of timing on the second conc, too. want to be inside
18:15:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak :
18:15:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : on that second you you need to get through the second slit so the third can get you to the end
18:16:16 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : do you put your first on the groun?
18:16:19 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : ground?
18:16:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : no, jump off with it
18:16:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : you could put one on the ground, but the timing for 2 and 3 would be harder I think
18:17:00 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : this jump hinges on hitting #2 very well
18:17:09 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : so
18:17:21 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : you wanna be in that area up there when your second goes off?
18:17:52 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : wow
18:17:59 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : nice strafe
18:18:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> cupcak :
18:18:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : thanks
18:18:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : gave myself carpel tunnel playing jump_strafe2 for hours and hours =/
18:18:55 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : ahhah
18:19:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : I don't know if it's just the spec thing or not, but it seems like you're lookging forward a bit when you drop
18:19:41 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : and not next to a wall..
18:19:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : which might be killing the vertical speed you need to make it through the second slit on #2
18:20:12 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak :
18:20:30 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : but, i dunno how to strafe is i let my conc go directly below me
18:20:33 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc :
18:20:46 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : see
18:21:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : when you look straight down, if you're falling straight down, your conc will end up a bit in front of you
18:21:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : if you're against a wall it'll bounce off and end up right below you though
18:22:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : =)
18:22:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : doh
18:22:08 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : lol
18:22:15 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : was that the ledge?
18:22:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : yeah, there's no lip or overhang or anyhting to mess up the very end. just a bit ledge
18:22:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : big*
18:23:52 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : aw
18:23:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak :
18:24:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : up to you
18:25:42 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc :
18:29:12 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : can i see you do it once more?
18:29:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : sure
18:29:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*cupcak : you can use 'saveme' if you want to see if first person
18:29:42 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : k
18:30:24 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> *SPEC*dmc : nice
18:31:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> cupcak : k
18:31:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> cupcak : gotta minimize for a bit
18:31:57 <STEAM_0:0:14681290><> <concmap_dsq> dmc : k, ty
18:33:46 "dmc<466><STEAM_0:0:14681290><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_dsq
18:46:51 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> cupcak : mapstats
18:46:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721617><> <concmap_dsq> cupcak : /mapstats
18:47:00 "cupcak<465><STEAM_0:1:3721617><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_dsq
18:47:04 "cupcak<468><STEAM_0:1:3721617><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
18:57:43 "cupcak<468><STEAM_0:1:3721617><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_dsq
19:10:35 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq2
19:39:41 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
20:08:47 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad2
20:26:56 "IdOnTkNoW<469><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad2
20:28:44 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_esad2> IdOnTkNoW : rtv
20:29:55 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_fal
20:30:02 "IdOnTkNoW<470><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_fal
20:59:01 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ff_hh
20:59:04 "IdOnTkNoW<470><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ff_hh
21:01:13 "IdOnTkNoW<470><STEAM_0:0:19835578><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concmap_ff_hh
21:24:16 "Austinoboy<472><STEAM_0:0:14417180><>" entered the game with server running concmap_ff_hh
21:24:28 <STEAM_0:0:14417180><> <concmap_ff_hh> Austinoboy : nominate conc_speed
21:24:33 <STEAM_0:0:14417180><> <concmap_ff_hh> Austinoboy : rtv
21:25:34 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:25:37 "Austinoboy<473><STEAM_0:0:14417180><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:29:15 "Austinoboy<473><STEAM_0:0:14417180><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
21:29:18 "Austinoboy<474><STEAM_0:0:14417180><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:36:54 "KIAN<475><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:37:06 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_speed> KIAN : /class 3
21:37:16 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_speed> KIAN : /give all
21:40:21 "Austinoboy<474><STEAM_0:0:14417180><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
21:42:06 "[y-t]Mike<477><STEAM_0:1:27408321><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:42:26 "[y-t]Mike<477><STEAM_0:1:27408321><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
21:44:08 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_speed> KIAN : rtv
21:44:31 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_speed> KIAN : concmap_r_r
21:45:10 "CofC TV<132><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
21:47:13 "KIAN<478><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
21:48:23 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : /class 9
21:49:20 "penn<479><STEAM_0:1:2753073><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
21:50:56 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : noclipme
21:52:37 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : /noclipcheat
21:52:46 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : noclipcheat
21:57:36 "dingaling<480><STEAM_0:1:3948075><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
21:58:52 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : /class 4
21:59:56 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : /class 9
22:00:30 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : give all
22:00:38 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : noclipme
22:00:54 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : noclipcheat
22:02:05 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : noclipme
22:02:42 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : noclipcheat
22:02:44 "dingaling<480><STEAM_0:1:3948075><Groovy soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_groove
22:03:01 <STEAM_0:1:11834657><> <conc_groove> KIAN : rtv
22:03:41 "KIAN<478><STEAM_0:1:11834657><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_groove
22:13:33 "IdOnTkNoW<482><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
22:16:23 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : /clipon
22:16:44 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : /clipoff
22:22:01 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : /clipon
22:22:30 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn :
22:23:38 "KIAN<483><STEAM_0:1:11834657><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
22:23:44 "KIAN<483><STEAM_0:1:11834657><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_groove
22:24:42 "dingaling<484><STEAM_0:1:3948075><>" entered the game with server running conc_groove
22:38:23 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : ugh
22:38:26 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : server needs a reset
22:38:34 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_groove> dingaling : rtv
22:38:41 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : yes please
22:39:00 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_groove> dingaling : do rtv
22:39:05 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : neg
22:39:27 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : it's ok
22:39:37 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : i think i can finish up
22:39:51 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_groove> dingaling : It's me kian in a differint name
22:40:11 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_groove> penn : alright
21:42:08 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:43:13 "dingaling<2><STEAM_0:1:3948075><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:43:40 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_speed> dingaling : rtv
21:43:47 "penn<3><STEAM_0:1:2753073><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:43:58 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_speed> penn : thanks bishop
21:44:02 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_speed> dingaling : /class 5
21:45:17 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_speed> dingaling : noclipme
21:48:11 <STEAM_0:1:2753073><> <conc_speed> *DEAD*penn : ugh
21:48:12 "penn<3><STEAM_0:1:2753073><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
21:48:25 "dingaling<2><STEAM_0:1:3948075><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
21:48:42 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:55:37 "ill4death<5><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:55:52 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : sup ill
21:55:57 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : hi Bishop
21:56:14 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : I can only play for a little while I have work early tomorrow
21:56:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : aw
21:56:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : bummer
21:56:39 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : /mapstats
21:56:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : /mapstats
21:56:51 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : /mapstats
21:56:53 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : ?
21:56:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : hmm
21:57:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : /skillme
21:57:06 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : /top5
21:57:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : something not rught
21:57:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : right*
21:57:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : let me reload map
21:57:38 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : ok
21:57:47 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:57:47 "ill4death<5><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:57:50 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
21:57:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : /mapstats
21:58:01 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : /mapstats
21:58:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : i had just reset server
21:58:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : maybe that was problem
21:58:15 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : ah I see
21:58:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : penn asked me 2
21:59:26 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : /stoptimer
22:02:43 "dingaling<6><STEAM_0:1:3948075><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
22:05:06 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : /mapstats
22:11:41 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_speed> dingaling : noclipme
22:13:41 <STEAM_0:1:3948075><> <conc_speed> dingaling : noclipcheat
22:13:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *DEAD*Bishop : ouch
22:14:18 "dingaling<6><STEAM_0:1:3948075><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
22:14:59 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_speed> ill4death : cu later
22:15:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : gg
22:15:12 "ill4death<5><STEAM_0:0:3805830><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
22:19:38 "Austinoboy<7><STEAM_0:0:14417180><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
22:19:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : hi
22:20:02 <STEAM_0:0:14417180><> <conc_speed> Austinoboy : shiz
22:20:08 <STEAM_0:0:14417180><> <conc_speed> Austinoboy : gotta go ...................
22:20:10 <STEAM_0:0:14417180><> <conc_speed> Austinoboy : ......
22:20:11 <STEAM_0:0:14417180><> <conc_speed> Austinoboy : .....
22:20:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : by
22:20:20 <STEAM_0:0:14417180><> <conc_speed> Austinoboy : :D
22:20:27 "Austinoboy<7><STEAM_0:0:14417180><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
22:25:35 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running newb_conc
22:25:38 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running newb_conc
22:26:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <newb_conc> Bishop : /give all
22:35:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <newb_conc> Bishop : /mapstats
22:40:05 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running phsyco_ward_r
22:40:09 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running phsyco_ward_r
22:40:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <phsyco_ward_r> Bishop : /mapstats
22:58:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <phsyco_ward_r> Bishop : /mapstats
22:59:22 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running freakle3
22:59:29 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running freakle3
23:12:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:12:42 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:13:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:14:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /mapstats
23:14:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:14:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:15:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:15:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:16:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:16:39 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:16:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:17:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /give all
23:17:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <freakle3> Bishop : /mapstats
23:17:58 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
23:18:01 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
23:23:26 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
23:23:30 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
23:43:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_home2> Bishop : /mapstats
23:44:00 "Bishop<4><STEAM_0:1:3721192><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_home2
23:47:08 "Bishop<8><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_home2
23:47:27 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_fluffy
23:47:30 "Bishop<8><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_fluffy
23:47:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_fluffy> Bishop : /mapstats
23:56:28 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running tayconc3
23:56:32 "Bishop<8><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running tayconc3
23:56:39 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <tayconc3> Bishop : /mapstats
23:56:52 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running tayconc3_r
23:56:55 "Bishop<8><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running tayconc3_r
23:57:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <tayconc3_r> Bishop : /mapstats