Chat Logger

00:04:36 "BaDAsS<171><STEAM_0:1:26867520><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concmap_r23
00:11:30 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_rapid
00:40:37 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_rax
00:51:37 "EtGoHoMe<173><STEAM_0:0:425272><>" entered the game with server running concmap_rax
00:53:36 "EtGoHoMe<173><STEAM_0:0:425272><Blue>" disconnected with server running concmap_rax
01:06:25 "Blazer<174><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_rax
01:06:32 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_rax> Blazer : rtv
01:07:23 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_rax> Blazer : /give all
01:07:49 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cd
01:10:46 "Blazer<175><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cd
01:11:11 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : /give all
01:12:48 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cd
01:12:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : hi
01:13:04 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : hello my friend
01:13:07 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : how ru
01:13:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : that ur bronco
01:13:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : not bad
01:13:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : u?
01:13:35 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : friends in russian til lookin for the crack
01:13:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> (Team) Bishop : Roger that
01:13:52 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : lol im BLAZER <<<<< <
01:14:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : :)
01:14:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : what made u change ur name
01:18:50 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : sjit
01:19:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> (Team) Bishop : go up far wall
01:19:54 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : got it thanks
01:21:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> (Team) Bishop : easier to skip platforms
01:21:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> (Team) Bishop : and just double conc
01:22:09 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : loll i sux still
01:22:22 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : old age hitting me hard this yr
01:22:32 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : hehe
01:22:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : how old r u
01:22:50 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : same as ill
01:22:55 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : ill4death
01:22:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : 40's?
01:23:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : i forgot how old he is
01:23:24 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : close enough
01:23:25 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : im 33
01:23:33 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : i know
01:23:43 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : i rjust over the hill
01:23:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : ive told u b4?
01:24:10 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : yea 2 yrs ago u hav a bday guess
01:24:18 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : heh
01:24:27 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : u know ill for a long itme
01:25:11 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : is older by 4 month
01:25:22 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : ill4death
01:25:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : he get u startedon tfc
01:26:23 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : about 14 month on TFC
01:28:13 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : wtf
01:28:33 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : far as i can go
01:28:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : u can do this
01:28:52 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : lol i sux
01:30:52 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : i still cant strafe lol atfer a 1 yr
01:30:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : this one is easier to triple
01:31:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : like this
01:31:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : u cant strafe...
01:31:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : we will have to fix that
01:31:42 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : nope
01:32:06 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : piss ill off sometimes
01:32:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : just play one of the esad_strafe or jump_strafe
01:32:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : they dont have concs
01:32:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : its just strafing
01:32:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : u will start to get the idea
01:32:39 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : basicallly
01:32:41 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : what map?
01:32:51 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : to strafe....dont hold forward
01:32:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : just one of ur strafe keys....
01:33:12 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : and then turn smoothly in the same direction
01:33:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : so turn right with right strafe....
01:33:27 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : left with left strafe
01:33:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : but no forward key
01:33:42 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : watch me a second
01:33:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : hes is the speed
01:33:47 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : lol ill has about to kill me sometimes
01:33:57 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : cant learn it
01:34:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : sure u can
01:34:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : not very hard
01:34:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : just some practice
01:35:34 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : ill has try for a yr
01:35:41 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : im just goin to get it
01:35:46 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : not
01:35:51 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : lol phone
01:35:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : well
01:35:57 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_cd> Blazer : brb phonr
01:36:00 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_cd> Bishop : ok
01:36:26 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
01:36:27 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
01:36:36 "Blazer<177><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
01:36:42 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
01:36:42 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
01:36:44 "Blazer<177><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
01:37:10 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe2
01:37:11 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe2
01:39:03 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe
01:39:04 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe
01:41:13 "Blazer<181><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running esad_strafe
01:41:28 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : ok
01:41:32 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : srry
01:41:36 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : /give all
01:41:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : this is easd_strafe
01:41:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : did u want me to try relaod #2 again
01:42:03 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : its up too u
01:42:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : its harder but i think its better to get the idea of strafing
01:42:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : first lets try this
01:42:53 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : lol i cant do the first jump i really sux
01:42:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : try to stafe back
01:43:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : make a big loop
01:43:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : watch
01:43:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : remember dont hold ofrward
01:43:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : forward*
01:43:51 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : /give all
01:43:55 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : i know
01:43:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : k
01:44:01 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : ty
01:44:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : yes
01:44:12 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : u strafeed
01:44:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : see
01:44:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : u can do
01:44:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : try strafing right
01:44:45 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : i know how i just cant on the maps
01:45:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : its the same idea when ur in the air during a conc
01:45:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : u can stafe right or left...or swtich mid way
01:45:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : just always turn into ur strafe and never hold forward
01:45:39 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : lol i know i skateboarded for 15 yrs in the 80-90-s
01:46:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : try seeing how fast u can turn....
01:46:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : if u turn too fast it fails
01:46:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : but u can make reasonable tight turns
01:46:42 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : works just like this after a conc
01:47:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : seems like u got it
01:47:22 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : i know hoe to do it
01:47:29 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : im just cant
01:47:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : transitioning between left and right can be a little tricky
01:47:37 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : wtf
01:47:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : idk
01:48:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <esad_strafe> Bishop : ok lets try this
01:48:09 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <esad_strafe> Blazer : i hav been to ill house and he has watched me
01:48:17 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_r
01:48:18 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_r
01:48:19 "Blazer<181><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_r
01:48:36 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_r> *DEAD*Blazer : ouch
01:48:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : sry
01:48:45 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_r> Blazer : n/p
01:49:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : try to do a hh and loop back
01:49:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : nice
01:50:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : u dont have to try to go out far...
01:50:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : u can go more up
01:50:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : so u have time to loop around
01:50:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : yyes
01:50:47 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : w00t
01:51:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : ur doing better than me
01:51:11 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_r> Blazer : lol i get it but my mind is so old my finger say no
01:51:13 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_r> Blazer : lol
01:52:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : nice
01:52:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : did u just lag
01:53:10 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_r> Blazer : 0.264038 seconds (484.778548 fps
01:53:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : ok
01:53:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_r> Bishop : lets try something else
01:53:44 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_r> Blazer : ok
01:53:48 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
01:53:48 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
01:53:50 "Blazer<181><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
01:53:58 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : /give all
01:53:58 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : /give all
01:54:43 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : mouse
01:55:20 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : try to hh this one
01:55:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : strafing
01:55:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : or just place and jump
01:55:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : but only use one conc
01:56:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : and strafe the corner
01:56:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : turning a bit too fast
01:57:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : jsut one conc L:)
01:57:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : nice one
01:57:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : w00t
01:57:46 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ty
01:57:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : sweet dude
01:57:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> (Team) Bishop : ok
01:57:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : one sec
01:58:14 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ly watch i can do it today tomorrow i wont
01:58:23 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : i just sux @ strafing
01:58:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : ur getting it
01:58:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : a little practice and u will be por
01:58:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : pro
01:58:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : *
01:58:51 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : lol i hav try monthes
01:59:09 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : ok hh/stafe this
01:59:17 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : im about 35-40 % of concing
01:59:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : single it
01:59:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : for practice
02:01:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : were u holding forward that time?
02:01:42 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : i watch ill on his computer he makes it look so ez
02:01:47 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : brb bathroom
02:01:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> (Team) Bishop : Roger that
02:05:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : close one
02:07:41 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : ur cutting the corner too close
02:07:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : turn slower
02:07:50 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : k
02:08:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : ya
02:08:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : once u get by this last corner u might have to turn a little bit faster so u dont run into the wall
02:08:51 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : lol im mind want to cut the corner
02:08:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : yea
02:09:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : thats fine as long as u dont hit it
02:09:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : ncie
02:09:31 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ty
02:09:32 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : gj
02:09:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : see u got this strafing under control
02:10:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : turnd to fast
02:10:30 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : yea once a hour i can grrr
02:11:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> (Team) Bishop : half the time u miss is becasue of the jump timing/not the strafe
02:11:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> (Team) Bishop : Flag Thrown
02:12:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : good strafe
02:12:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : held forward?
02:13:10 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : this damn server is lagging every time i say something
02:13:32 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : when people type it lag
02:13:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : wtf
02:14:32 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : on ill and my computer when someone types i freezes a sec
02:15:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> (Team) Bishop : i will have to see if i can find the problem
02:15:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> (Team) Bishop : proly something to do with the plugin for playing sounds
02:15:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> Bishop : imma spec u
02:15:37 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : k
02:15:39 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*(Team)Bishop : Roger that
02:16:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : nice
02:16:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : i think ur hitting that corner
02:16:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : sweet
02:17:00 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ty
02:17:12 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : booyea
02:17:28 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : good teacher
02:17:29 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : lol
02:17:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : i think u already knew how
02:17:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : even thou u said u didnt
02:18:11 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : i do ... wait tomorrow i cant agiab
02:18:15 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : again
02:18:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : hehe
02:18:25 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : piss ill off big time
02:18:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : well if u practice it a bit it will become second nature
02:18:30 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : i cant learn
02:18:52 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : hit corner
02:19:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : o yea
02:21:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : the problem most of the time...
02:21:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : is ur too close to the cone
02:21:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : conc*
02:21:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : so it isnt pushing u
02:21:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : as good as u want
02:21:44 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : savme2
02:22:19 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : yea i learn it and tomorrow i cant do it and it pisses ill off
02:22:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : its something to practice :)
02:23:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : good strafe
02:23:30 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ty
02:23:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : np
02:23:48 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : why r u up so late?
02:23:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : should be going to bed
02:24:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : im a night owl
02:24:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : i have work tomorrow morning
02:24:25 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : lol im a bum with a computer
02:24:39 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : bummer
02:24:51 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : nice
02:24:55 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ty
02:25:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : can u do concs where u jump off a ledge and drop conc under urself
02:25:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : corner!
02:26:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : getting it down
02:28:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : try putting conc a little further back
02:28:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : so u r further from it
02:28:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : when it goes
02:28:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : nie
02:28:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : nice
02:28:40 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ty
02:28:44 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : brb
02:31:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : :)
02:32:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : another good jump to practice starfing
02:32:53 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ?
02:32:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : is the one onc conc_2v2
02:33:02 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : k
02:33:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : where u have to go over and back under
02:33:11 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : if u want to change to it
02:33:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : around jump 5
02:33:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : well i need to be hitting the hay
02:33:34 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ok
02:33:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : but i can change for u if u want
02:33:42 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : where ever u want
02:33:52 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : thank you for your help
02:33:55 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : hav a gn
02:33:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : your welcome
02:34:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : u too
02:34:10 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : lol not work
02:34:16 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : im up all nite
02:34:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : we can work more strafe later if u want
02:34:25 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : ok thanks
02:34:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : u want me to chang emap
02:34:51 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : it ok
02:34:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : aight
02:35:00 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_speed> *SPEC*Bishop : gn
02:35:07 "Bishop<176><STEAM_0:1:3721192><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_speed
02:35:10 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <conc_speed> Blazer : im goin to finish it and then go to the nextmap
02:38:17 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running rr_conc
02:38:20 "Blazer<181><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running rr_conc
02:38:28 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <rr_conc> Blazer : /give all
02:38:52 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <rr_conc> Blazer : listmaps
02:39:32 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <rr_conc> Blazer : listmaps *strafe*
02:39:57 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <rr_conc> Blazer : 0.264038 seconds (484.778548 fps
02:40:58 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <rr_conc> Blazer : aowconc
02:41:02 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <rr_conc> Blazer : rtv
02:54:53 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <rr_conc> Blazer : rtv
02:55:55 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
02:55:57 "Blazer<181><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe
02:56:06 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:56:43 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:56:47 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:01 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:04 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:06 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:07 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:07 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:07 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:07 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:08 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:08 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:08 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:08 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:08 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:08 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:09 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:13 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:14 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /give all
02:57:49 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : rank
02:57:54 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <jump_strafe> Blazer : /rankme
02:58:20 "Blazer<181><STEAM_0:0:19835578><Jumpers>" disconnected with server running jump_strafe
03:25:03 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jump_strafe2
03:54:12 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running jumpstart
04:09:55 "BaDAsS<183><STEAM_0:1:26867520><>" entered the game with server running jumpstart
04:19:03 "BaDAsS<183><STEAM_0:1:26867520><Red>" disconnected with server running jumpstart
04:23:25 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running K_ConcMap
04:52:31 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concland2
05:21:39 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concland4a
05:50:47 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concland4b
06:19:55 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running l_concworld_r
06:24:30 "Player<185><STEAM_0:0:34875775><>" entered the game with server running l_concworld_r
06:26:03 "Conc_Worshiper (2)<185><STEAM_0:0:34875775><Concsters>" disconnected with server running l_concworld_r
06:49:07 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:49:35 "Ted<186><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:49:40 "Glenn<187><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:49:45 "Ian<188><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:49:50 "Bizitch<189><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:49:55 "Clay<190><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:50:00 "YoMama<191><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:50:05 "CS SUX<192><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:50:10 "Medic!<193><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:50:15 "AntiHuman<194><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
06:50:20 "Martin<195><BOT><>" entered the game with server running mecklenburg_b4v6
07:18:13 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running multiskillz_r
07:47:20 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running multiskillz2
08:16:25 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running phsyco_ward_r
08:20:05 "Maverick<197><STEAM_0:0:16174089><>" entered the game with server running phsyco_ward_r
08:23:57 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <phsyco_ward_r> Maverick : rtv
08:24:59 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad7
08:25:12 "Maverick<198><STEAM_0:0:16174089><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad7
08:42:22 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap_esad7> Maverick : rtv
08:43:23 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
08:44:07 "Maverick<199><STEAM_0:0:16174089><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
08:55:49 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap_dsq> Maverick : /noclip
08:55:53 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap_dsq> Maverick : noclip
09:24:34 "[YAMAKASI]Jildaz<201><STEAM_0:1:27932618><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
09:26:50 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap_dsq> Maverick : ..
09:27:01 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap_dsq> Maverick : dumb nigger
09:27:04 "Maverick<199><STEAM_0:0:16174089><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_dsq
09:27:31 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running skeeconc_ultimate
09:30:59 "[YAMAKASI]Jildaz<202><STEAM_0:1:27932618><>" entered the game with server running skeeconc_ultimate
09:37:25 "[YAMAKASI]Jildaz<202><STEAM_0:1:27932618><Ultimate RJC>" disconnected with server running skeeconc_ultimate
09:54:58 "Marl<204><STEAM_0:0:14505718><>" entered the game with server running skeeconc_ultimate
09:56:50 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running srace_b4d
09:56:59 "Marl<204><STEAM_0:0:14505718><>" entered the game with server running srace_b4d
10:02:07 "Marl<204><STEAM_0:0:14505718><Mopjockeys>" disconnected with server running srace_b4d
10:26:04 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:26:33 "Ted<205><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:26:38 "Glenn<206><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:26:43 "Ian<207><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:26:48 "Bizitch<208><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:26:53 "Clay<209><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:26:58 "YoMama<210><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:27:03 "CS SUX<211><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:27:08 "Medic!<212><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:27:13 "AntiHuman<213><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:27:18 "Martin<214><BOT><>" entered the game with server running stealth_exe_v2
10:55:10 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running stfu_and_climb
11:24:17 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running tayconc
11:50:57 "Maverick<216><STEAM_0:0:16174089><>" entered the game with server running tayconc
11:51:02 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <tayconc> Maverick : rtv
11:52:24 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison2
11:55:54 "Maverick<217><STEAM_0:0:16174089><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison2
12:17:21 "Maverick<217><STEAM_0:0:16174089><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_bison2
12:21:33 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_b0t
12:50:40 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_boss
13:19:48 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cd
13:31:18 "Koveak<218><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cd
13:31:28 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_cd> Koveak : /ms
13:41:36 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_cd> Koveak : concmap_icup2
13:42:21 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_cd> Koveak : rtv
13:43:23 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_icup2
13:43:49 "Koveak<219><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap_icup2
13:43:59 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_icup2> Koveak : .s
13:44:00 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_icup2> Koveak : /ms
13:44:04 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_icup2> Koveak : /ms
13:53:51 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_icup2> Koveak : 2kfort3
13:53:57 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_icup2> Koveak : conc2k3
13:53:59 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_icup2> Koveak : concmap2k3
13:54:01 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_icup2> Koveak : rtv
13:55:01 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
13:55:09 "Koveak<219><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
13:55:13 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : /ms
14:05:09 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : /ms
14:05:38 "Pulsar<221><STEAM_0:1:22403208><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
14:08:32 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar :
14:11:16 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar : /saveme
14:11:28 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar :
14:11:30 "Geologist<224><STEAM_0:0:4619514><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
14:12:08 <STEAM_0:0:4619514><> <concmap2k3> Geologist : /give
14:12:13 <STEAM_0:0:4619514><> <concmap2k3> Geologist : /give all
14:12:14 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar : /lag
14:12:22 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar : /lagoff
14:12:26 <STEAM_0:0:4619514><> <concmap2k3> Geologist : /give all
14:13:45 "Geologist<224><STEAM_0:0:4619514><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap2k3
14:15:33 "Koveak<219><STEAM_0:1:2476164><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap2k3
14:24:01 "Maverick<225><STEAM_0:0:16174089><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
14:32:08 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar : /fuknlag
14:32:20 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap2k3> Maverick : yup
14:35:57 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap2k3> Maverick : you trying to do it in 2?
14:36:14 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar : yea
14:36:39 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap2k3> Maverick : care if we change it? this maps a bit easty
14:36:56 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar : ok
14:36:59 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap2k3> Maverick : rtv
14:37:04 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar : rtv
14:37:41 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap2k3> Maverick : hmm
14:37:48 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap2k3> Maverick : yea duno
14:37:49 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar :
14:37:55 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmap2k3> Maverick : been forever sicne I've seen these names
14:38:22 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmap2k3> Pulsar :
14:38:31 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
14:38:34 "Maverick<225><STEAM_0:0:16174089><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
14:38:43 "Pulsar<226><STEAM_0:1:22403208><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
14:54:49 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmapx> Maverick : 3rd beep charge your 2nd conc
14:55:27 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmapx> Pulsar : im not using the same timer
14:55:43 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmapx> Maverick : custom sounds?
14:55:54 <STEAM_0:1:22403208><> <concmapx> Pulsar : no lag timer
14:55:59 <STEAM_0:0:16174089><> <concmapx> Maverick : ah
14:58:18 "Maverick<225><STEAM_0:0:16174089><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmapx
14:59:05 "Pulsar<226><STEAM_0:1:22403208><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmapx
15:01:37 "Koveak<227><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
15:01:48 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : /ms
15:03:57 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : humiliation
15:06:08 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : boo
15:08:31 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : /ms
15:09:18 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : boo
15:10:27 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : humiliation
15:10:57 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:11:02 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : lagh
15:11:23 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:11:52 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wow
15:11:54 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : uglyu
15:12:49 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : about time
15:13:19 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:13:21 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:13:21 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:13:21 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:13:21 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:13:21 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wtf
15:13:35 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : humiliation
15:13:40 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : wow lagegfdkljfsdlfkjsfs
15:13:49 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : !@#$!@#
15:16:34 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : concmap6
15:16:35 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmapx> Koveak : rtv
15:18:01 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap6
15:18:09 "Koveak<227><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap6
15:18:27 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : humiliation
15:19:18 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : wtf
15:20:45 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : due wtyf
15:22:40 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : /ms
15:27:41 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : /ms
15:36:24 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : /ms
15:37:54 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : damn watching news
15:37:59 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : and LAG
15:38:08 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : wtf
15:38:08 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : wtf
15:38:09 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : wtf
15:38:50 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap6> Koveak : rtv
15:40:14 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_school_r
15:40:24 "Koveak<227><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running conc_school_r
15:42:24 "Koveak<227><STEAM_0:1:2476164><Yellow Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_school_r
16:02:43 "rApE_sQuAd_2o2y<229><STEAM_0:0:1856807><>" entered the game with server running conc_school_r
16:06:27 <STEAM_0:0:1856807><> <conc_school_r> rApE_sQuAd_2o2y : /help
16:09:26 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_sev
16:24:37 "Breca<231><STEAM_0:1:7702540><>" entered the game with server running conc_sev
16:25:31 "Breca<231><STEAM_0:1:7702540><Blue Concer's>" disconnected with server running conc_sev
16:38:33 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_sklz
17:07:41 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_songoku
17:36:49 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed
18:05:56 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed2
18:35:03 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
18:44:41 "{PP}n00bcannon<235><STEAM_0:0:1227022><>" entered the game with server running conc_speed3_b3
18:47:09 "{PP}n00bcannon<235><STEAM_0:0:1227022><Concers>" disconnected with server running conc_speed3_b3
19:04:12 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe
19:08:53 "Koveak<236><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running conc_strafe
19:09:02 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_strafe> Koveak : concmap2k3
19:09:03 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_strafe> Koveak : rtv
19:10:22 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad11
19:16:55 "Koveak<237><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad11
19:20:15 "Blazer<239><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad11
19:20:38 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_esad11> Blazer : /give all
19:38:55 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_esad11> Koveak : oh hi
19:39:02 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_esad11> *SPEC*Blazer : hey
19:39:11 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_esad11> *SPEC*Blazer : just watching
19:39:17 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_esad11> Koveak : np
19:43:05 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_esad11> Koveak : bleh i never beated that ugly jump, wanna rtv?
19:48:30 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_esad11> Koveak : concmap8
19:48:36 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_esad11> *SPEC*Blazer : rtv
19:48:39 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_esad11> Koveak : rtv
19:48:40 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap_esad11> *SPEC*Blazer : afk
19:48:43 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_esad11> Koveak : k
19:49:52 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_esad11> Koveak : noclipme
19:50:09 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
19:50:19 "Koveak<237><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
19:50:22 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap8> Koveak : /ms
19:50:25 "Blazer<240><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
20:03:17 <STEAM_0:0:19835578><> <concmap8> *SPEC*Blazer : ok dude hav fun vvl
20:03:23 "Blazer<240><STEAM_0:0:19835578><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concmap8
20:03:24 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap8> Koveak : gg
20:07:22 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap8> Koveak :
20:07:24 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap8> Koveak : /ms
20:07:40 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap8> Koveak : rtv
20:07:42 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap8> Koveak : nextmap
20:08:41 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap9_r
20:08:50 "Koveak<237><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap9_r
20:08:53 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap9_r> Koveak : /ms
20:12:08 "Koveak<237><STEAM_0:1:2476164><Lemmings>" disconnected with server running concmap9_r
20:37:49 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap10
21:06:59 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
21:10:11 "boing<241><STEAM_0:1:14894402><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
21:12:05 "boing<241><STEAM_0:1:14894402><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmapx
21:35:27 "Gnolevil<243><STEAM_0:1:1677106><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
21:36:14 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_as
22:05:21 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison_r
22:34:29 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison2
23:03:36 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_b0t
23:32:44 "CofC TV<2><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_boss