Chat Logger

00:01:19 "Bishop<246><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap2001
00:01:47 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
00:01:47 "Bishop<246><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
00:23:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : noclipme
00:29:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : noclipme
00:33:14 "[ll]~=]WrathofGod[=~<248><STEAM_0:0:7188139><>" entered the game with server running impact_conc
00:33:39 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> Conc_Worshiper (3) : howdy
00:33:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : hi
00:33:49 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> Conc_Worshiper (3) : brb
00:34:54 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> WrathofGod : removes my name cause it has the console key in it :/
00:35:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : ah
00:38:41 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> WrathofGod : what jump you on?
00:38:47 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : 7
00:39:06 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : damn map gets hard fast
00:39:11 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : ya its a 100
00:39:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : did u wanna go someplace else
00:39:49 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : lol idc or we can rtv
00:40:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : what conc map u like
00:40:21 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : i was playing esad_marioconc with ill4death for 2 hrs we couldn't beat it
00:40:25 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : fucking retarded map
00:40:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : that map isnt on this server
00:40:53 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : nah its cool don't wanna play that for like another year haha
00:41:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : hehe
00:41:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : hmm
00:41:25 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : we can stay here idc in all honesty
00:41:26 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : what maps have u beaten
00:41:42 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : all the concmaps
00:41:49 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : except the last jump on 7
00:41:53 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : ok
00:41:58 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : that helps
00:41:59 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : idk probably like medium
00:42:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : you played concmap_eze
00:42:14 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : can beat all the speeds idk
00:42:22 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : think so
00:42:27 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : we can give it a shot
00:42:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <impact_conc> Bishop : k
00:42:32 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <impact_conc> *SPEC*WrathofGod : if not ya can help me lol
00:42:42 "Bishop<246><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap_eze
00:42:42 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_eze
00:43:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : glow white
00:43:13 "WrathofGod<249><STEAM_0:0:7188139><>" entered the game with server running concmap_eze
00:43:28 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : guess not lol
00:43:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : this map is good
00:43:41 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : u should be able to beat it
00:45:28 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : secret jump?
00:45:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : ya
00:45:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : its a bit tougher
00:45:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : than rest of map
00:47:39 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : so is this your server?
00:47:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : i have admin
00:48:03 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : ah
00:48:11 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : can u explain the tv thing
00:48:28 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : lets admins watch without being in server
00:48:39 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : really?
00:48:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : yep
00:48:49 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : crazy
00:48:53 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : is it crazy to watch?
00:49:02 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : just like spectate
00:53:17 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> (Team) WrathofGod : did it in 2 concs
00:53:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : ncie
00:53:28 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : everytime i talk it lags
00:53:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : noticed
00:53:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : cept it didnt the last timne
00:53:55 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> (Team) WrathofGod : not sure
00:54:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : now its not
00:54:02 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : doesnt do it if i talk on a regular bsis
00:54:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : hmm
00:54:08 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : its ike after i dont say anything for a bit
00:54:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : why the hell would that be
00:54:21 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : haha idk
00:54:28 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : is there any other secrets on this map?
00:54:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : no balls or flags that i know about
00:54:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : theres the secret jump
00:55:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : which u found
00:55:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : and a bag which gives u 1337
00:55:22 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : hwo did u do this one?
00:55:32 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : drop under
00:55:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : one conc
00:56:38 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : wow that was close
00:56:42 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : gj
00:56:51 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : haha went in water
00:56:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : o thought u had it
00:58:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> (Team) Bishop : clsoe
00:58:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> (Team) Bishop : now its laggin when i talk
00:58:55 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : lol mad lag when you said that
00:59:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> (Team) Bishop : Roger that
00:59:32 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> (Team) Bishop : this jump is kinda wierd
00:59:46 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : ea
00:59:48 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : yea*
00:59:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : this jump is easy
01:00:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : last is slightly harder
01:00:30 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : how did u hit ur conc?
01:00:50 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : i run off just after beep 2
01:00:53 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : can u do it again so i can watch
01:00:55 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : and toss asap
01:00:59 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> (Team) Bishop : Roger that
01:01:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : ya
01:01:25 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : oh shit
01:01:26 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : nice
01:01:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : gj
01:01:42 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : where u go
01:01:49 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : wanted to do it a few more times to remember
01:02:54 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : gj
01:03:00 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : that lag
01:03:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : ug
01:03:03 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : thx you too
01:03:37 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : lol nice map
01:03:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : nice
01:03:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : yea pretty sweet
01:03:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : u wanna do 2v2
01:03:58 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : where did u get that one bag?
01:04:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> (Team) Bishop : like jump 10 or so
01:04:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : near stairs
01:04:26 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap_eze> WrathofGod : is it hidden?
01:04:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <concmap_eze> Bishop : ya
01:04:51 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2
01:04:51 "Bishop<246><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2
01:04:55 "WrathofGod<249><STEAM_0:0:7188139><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2
01:05:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : u conc here much
01:05:05 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : wheres it hidden there?
01:05:18 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : yea but no one is ever on so i end up going to euro server
01:05:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : ah
01:05:35 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : it varies
01:05:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> (Team) Bishop : this lag is anoying
01:05:43 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : i just dont like playing by myself
01:05:49 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : especially when i need help with a jump
01:05:49 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : ya
01:07:43 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : wow that was horrible
01:09:25 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : twhere ya go?
01:09:31 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : up up and away
01:09:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : do u know how to juggle
01:09:58 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : seems ike im lagging
01:10:41 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> (Team) WrathofGod : trying to do it where u throw it above yoru head and hh the 4th one
01:11:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : would u hh conc 3 and 5
01:11:39 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : is that how it goes/
01:11:47 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : for double hh yes
01:12:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : u can also do a normal start and toss 3 above u
01:12:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : that will allow u to do in 4 concs
01:12:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : w00t
01:12:39 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : 4 concs
01:13:01 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : how?
01:13:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : easiest way is to just juggle
01:13:19 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : but to do in four
01:13:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : toss conc3 above u
01:13:29 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : when flying up
01:13:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : from first 2
01:14:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : i toss conc2 up when on the ground and tossed 3 up
01:14:08 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : i can hit 3 when i toss it above me but dont get enough hiegth on that or 4
01:14:23 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> (Team) Bishop : has to be just right
01:14:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : right idea
01:15:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : but ur not hiting conc 2 right
01:15:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : ooo
01:15:15 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : ooo i had it
01:15:22 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : looked like it
01:17:08 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : wow...
01:18:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : u get
01:18:37 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : ill take that i guess
01:18:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : nice
01:18:44 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : just dont understand the hh parts lol
01:18:51 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : your suppose to hh3
01:19:00 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : then throw 4 above you then hh 5?
01:19:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> (Team) Bishop : well i noramlly just juggle up
01:19:08 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> (Team) Bishop : no hh
01:19:18 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod :
01:19:21 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : mm
01:19:24 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> (Team) Bishop : if u wanna do in four i also don hh anything
01:19:27 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod :
01:19:31 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : yea i didnt either
01:19:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : u could hh conc3 then juggle up
01:19:53 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> Bishop : or hh conc 3 and 5 but not really high enough for that
01:19:59 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : ahh
01:20:10 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2> WrathofGod : new map?
01:20:13 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2> (Team) Bishop : Roger that
01:20:29 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
01:20:30 "Bishop<246><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
01:20:33 "WrathofGod<249><STEAM_0:0:7188139><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
01:20:54 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : ok didnt know i had this
01:21:02 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : sorry always forget
01:21:05 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : Roger that
01:22:20 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : can u do that in 2 concs?
01:22:26 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : hh the 2nd?
01:22:33 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : i did it in
01:22:45 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : 2 without using middle platform
01:22:53 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : did u drop the 2nd?
01:23:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : ya
01:23:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : u can use that far platform if u need to
01:24:00 "Bishop<246><STEAM_0:1:3721192><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_2v2_hi
01:24:10 "Bishop<250><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running conc_2v2_hi
01:24:25 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : need me to die?
01:24:35 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : no
01:24:42 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : damn server dropped me
01:25:33 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : lol look like your taking a poop while you fly
01:25:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : ugghhh
01:26:26 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : trying to do it in 2?
01:26:38 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : try without usoing midd eplatform
01:28:36 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : hmm
01:29:05 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : sorry trying to do it fromt eh ledge
01:29:06 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : u can double hh this one
01:29:10 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : with one
01:29:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : o
01:29:34 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : careful no health
01:29:41 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : damn
01:29:56 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : call for med if ur gonna die
01:30:33 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : didnt do one hh just tossed 3rd above me
01:31:07 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : u tossed 3 above u
01:31:11 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : yea
01:31:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : just to make it harder
01:31:30 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : idk how to really do that juggle stuff i forget haha
01:31:41 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : i know how to do a normal juggle
01:31:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : the easiest way to start
01:31:48 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : o
01:31:58 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : just not hte crazy ones
01:32:03 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : ah ok
01:32:14 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : tossing 3 above u is just for tricks
01:32:26 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : what do u mean tricks?
01:32:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : usually i just 2 above with 1 on the ground
01:32:53 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : then do a regular juggle?
01:33:10 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : so conc 1 on the ground... toss 2 above...then rest drop below
01:33:15 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : yeah
01:33:37 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : tossing conc2 above will let u do a 4 conc jump higher than u can get any other way
01:33:46 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : eer..conc3*
01:33:55 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : ahh
01:33:57 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : and conc2
01:33:59 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : rtv
01:34:01 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : above
01:34:01 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : :P
01:34:16 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : rtv
01:34:25 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : nominate awd_conc
01:34:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : imm prolly hit the hay
01:34:35 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : don't even have my map on here haha
01:34:43 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : u made a map
01:34:47 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : cool
01:34:56 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : yea its kinda hard cause the jumps are small
01:35:10 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : i made like 3 of em but only released one
01:35:15 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : ah
01:35:17 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : Flag Thrown
01:35:21 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : sweet
01:35:30 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> Bishop : well im off to bed....see you around
01:35:40 <STEAM_0:1:3721192><> <conc_2v2_hi> (Team) Bishop : add this to ur favs :)
01:35:41 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <conc_2v2_hi> WrathofGod : bye
01:35:45 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
01:35:45 "Bishop<250><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
01:35:47 "Bishop<250><STEAM_0:1:3721192><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concmap8
01:35:49 "WrathofGod<249><STEAM_0:0:7188139><>" entered the game with server running concmap8
01:40:50 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap8> WrathofGod : /noclip
01:40:58 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap8> WrathofGod : /clipon
01:45:32 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap8> WrathofGod : noclilpcheat
01:45:50 <STEAM_0:0:7188139><> <concmap8> WrathofGod : noclipcheat
01:48:20 "WrathofGod<249><STEAM_0:0:7188139><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concmap8
02:04:57 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap9_r
02:34:04 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap10
03:03:12 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmapx
03:32:19 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_as
04:01:27 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison_r
04:30:35 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_bison2
04:59:40 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_b0t
05:28:48 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_boss
05:57:56 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cd
06:27:04 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cheese
06:56:12 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cpt
07:25:20 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_cpt2
07:54:31 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi
08:23:40 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi2
08:52:47 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_csi3
09:21:54 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dns
09:51:02 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq
10:20:14 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_dsq2
10:49:19 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad
11:18:25 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad2
11:47:33 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad3
12:16:38 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad4
12:27:13 "Gnolevil<254><STEAM_0:1:1677106><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad4
12:39:27 "Gnolevil<254><STEAM_0:1:1677106><ESAD Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad4
12:45:47 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad5
13:14:57 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad6
13:44:04 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad7
14:06:47 "Deathbecomesu<256><STEAM_0:1:20016576><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad7
14:07:05 "Deathbecomesu<256><STEAM_0:1:20016576><Soldiers>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad7
14:07:30 "Deathbecomesu<257><STEAM_0:1:20016576><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad7
14:10:17 "Deathbecomesu<257><STEAM_0:1:20016576><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad7
14:13:15 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad8
14:37:11 "Blazer<259><STEAM_0:0:19835578><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad8
14:38:02 "Blazer<259><STEAM_0:0:19835578><1337 354D>" disconnected with server running concmap_esad8
14:42:23 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad9
15:07:25 "gothic_pickle<261><STEAM_0:1:9828595><>" entered the game with server running concmap_esad9
15:08:35 <STEAM_0:1:9828595><> <concmap_esad9> gothic_pickle : rtv
15:09:40 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc2fort
15:10:17 "gothic_pickle<262><STEAM_0:1:9828595><>" entered the game with server running conc2fort
15:13:43 <STEAM_0:1:9828595><> <conc2fort> gothic_pickle : /help
15:14:44 <STEAM_0:1:9828595><> <conc2fort> gothic_pickle : rtv
15:15:48 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concery
15:16:05 "gothic_pickle<263><STEAM_0:1:9828595><>" entered the game with server running concery
15:44:56 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz
15:45:19 "gothic_pickle<264><STEAM_0:1:9828595><>" entered the game with server running concheadz
15:51:47 "gothic_pickle<264><STEAM_0:1:9828595><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concheadz
16:14:07 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz2
16:27:54 "DLS<266><STEAM_0:0:32508133><>" entered the game with server running concheadz2
16:34:24 <STEAM_0:0:32508133><> <concheadz2> DLS : /help
16:36:55 <STEAM_0:0:32508133><> <concheadz2> DLS : /listmaps
16:37:06 <STEAM_0:0:32508133><> <concheadz2> DLS : listmaps
16:43:21 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
16:43:49 "DLS<267><STEAM_0:0:32508133><>" entered the game with server running concheadz3
17:03:30 "DLS<267><STEAM_0:0:32508133><Sail0rz>" disconnected with server running concheadz3
17:12:32 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concheadz4
17:41:37 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concjump
18:10:44 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concjumptfc
18:39:52 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concland_xc-f
19:09:02 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap2001
19:38:09 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
19:40:40 "koveak bored<269><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
19:40:58 "rasputin<270><STEAM_0:0:13096456><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
19:41:31 "rasputin<270><STEAM_0:0:13096456><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap2k3
19:47:03 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : /ms
19:51:29 "Hugler<272><STEAM_0:0:3911477><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
19:52:06 <STEAM_0:0:3911477><> <concmap2k3> Hugler : sup dude
19:52:12 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : heya
19:52:26 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : do you conc sometimes?
19:52:35 <STEAM_0:0:3911477><> <concmap2k3> Hugler : yeah i'm way out of practice
19:52:39 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : lol
19:52:43 <STEAM_0:0:3911477><> <concmap2k3> Hugler : and was never that great in the first place
19:52:48 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : :p
19:54:14 "Hugler<272><STEAM_0:0:3911477><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap2k3
19:55:14 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap2k3> Koveak : /ms
19:57:39 "Koveak<269><STEAM_0:1:2476164><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap2k3
20:03:02 "Sm0k33z<273><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running concmap2k3
20:09:43 "Name_Here<273><STEAM_0:0:2285873><Blue Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap2k3
20:22:35 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap2
20:32:32 "PapaWeeD<274><STEAM_0:1:682378><>" entered the game with server running concmap2
20:36:43 "asie<276><STEAM_0:1:59994><>" entered the game with server running concmap2
20:36:58 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : asie :D
20:37:05 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : i can hear u
20:37:12 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : no mic tho
20:37:45 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : im on the last
20:39:15 "Name_Here<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running concmap2
20:39:57 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : gj
20:42:06 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : lol
20:44:03 "GOND<278><STEAM_0:0:1584248><>" entered the game with server running concmap2
20:44:11 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <concmap2> GOND : /ms
20:45:00 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : wee
20:45:08 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : where are u asie
20:45:14 <STEAM_0:1:59994><> <concmap2> asie : last one
20:45:43 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : doh, im at 1 again
20:46:10 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : was gonan join you earlier
20:46:47 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : nt
20:46:51 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : n1
20:46:58 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : rtv
20:48:24 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : was playing on a bhop server earlier, ws fun
20:48:30 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <concmap2> GOND : rtv
20:48:32 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : like old days
20:48:37 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : rtv
20:49:00 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : how long u guys been around?
20:49:09 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : too long lol
20:49:13 <STEAM_0:1:59994><> <concmap2> asie : been playin since this game came out
20:49:17 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap2> PapaWeeD : 2001
20:49:22 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : nooo
20:49:27 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : yer
20:49:38 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : mad a few maps myself
20:49:43 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap2> Name_Here : been around a bit
20:50:07 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
20:50:09 "Name_Here<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
20:50:10 "PapaWeeD<274><STEAM_0:1:682378><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
20:50:13 "GOND<278><STEAM_0:0:1584248><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
20:50:16 "asie<279><STEAM_0:1:59994><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
20:50:21 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> *DEAD*GOND : /ms
20:50:32 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_noob_hill> Name_Here : omg ... have to play summin different eh !?
20:50:45 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> *DEAD*GOND : /ms
20:51:52 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : ever tried to toss the 2nd up asie ?
20:52:18 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : liike this
20:52:48 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : i toss it up as i jump
20:53:11 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : lol
20:54:01 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : :P
20:54:07 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : its laggy here
20:54:07 <STEAM_0:1:59994><> <conc_noob_hill> asie : laggy here
20:54:08 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_noob_hill> Sm0k33z : whoa
20:54:56 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> GOND :
20:55:01 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> GOND : /ms
20:55:06 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> GOND : /top5
20:55:19 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> GOND : /ms
20:55:25 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> GOND : /help
20:55:30 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : try tossing the 2nd one up
20:55:39 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> GOND : /skillme
20:55:41 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : lol
20:55:42 <STEAM_0:1:59994><> <conc_noob_hill> asie : dont like that
20:55:43 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_noob_hill> Sm0k33z : rtv
20:55:46 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : oh
20:55:55 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <conc_noob_hill> GOND : rtv
20:56:18 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_noob_hill> Sm0k33z : vote concmap_kicp4_final
20:56:31 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_noob_hill> Sm0k33z : pretty fun old map
20:57:14 "GOND<278><STEAM_0:0:1584248><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
20:57:48 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_noob_hill> Sm0k33z : u guys can juggle ... lets move on eh :P
20:59:29 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : =[
20:59:36 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : use the force puke
21:01:32 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_noob_hill> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : n1
21:02:54 "ill4death<280><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
21:03:19 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_noob_hill> ill4death : hello
21:03:26 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : hi
21:03:34 "ill4death<280><STEAM_0:0:3805830><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
21:03:42 "ill4death<281><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
21:03:56 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_noob_hill> ill4death : uh oh getting kicked for special
21:04:07 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : aww
21:04:11 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : ya
21:04:15 "ill4death<281><STEAM_0:0:3805830><Blue>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
21:04:47 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : wewt
21:05:02 "ill4death<282><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running conc_noob_hill
21:05:06 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : haha
21:06:23 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : big juggle
21:08:22 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : ya
21:08:24 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_noob_hill> ill4death : yep
21:09:17 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_noob_hill> ill4death : yeah!
21:09:29 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : yay
21:10:15 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : new map ?
21:10:32 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : mmk
21:10:34 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_noob_hill> ill4death : I don't mink
21:10:38 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_noob_hill> ill4death : mind
21:10:38 <STEAM_0:1:59994><> <conc_noob_hill> asie : my ping here isnt too high but it's already pissing me off
21:10:52 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : :P
21:10:57 <STEAM_0:1:59994><> <conc_noob_hill> asie : :P
21:10:59 <STEAM_0:1:59994><> <conc_noob_hill> asie : gg guys
21:11:01 "asie<279><STEAM_0:1:59994><Green>" disconnected with server running conc_noob_hill
21:11:30 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : rtv
21:11:35 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <conc_noob_hill> ill4death : did she say 'she thinks she is drunk?'
21:11:46 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : no
21:11:56 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <conc_noob_hill> PapaWeeD : just done playing for the evening
21:13:00 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp2_final
21:13:01 "ill4death<282><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp2_final
21:13:02 "Sm0k33z<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp2_final
21:13:08 "PapaWeeD<283><STEAM_0:1:682378><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp2_final
21:13:27 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *DEAD*PapaWeeD : lol
21:13:33 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_kicp2_final> PapaWeeD : hrm
21:13:37 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_kicp2_final> PapaWeeD : god mode needed
21:23:24 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *SPEC*ill4death : there is a secret there
21:23:35 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *SPEC*ill4death : on the other poll
21:23:40 "Koveak<284><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp2_final
21:23:41 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *SPEC*ill4death : use it
21:23:50 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *SPEC*ill4death : look to the right
21:24:40 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_kicp2_final> PapaWeeD : lol
21:26:07 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *SPEC*ill4death : christina agulara?
21:30:21 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_kicp2_final> Koveak : /ms
21:30:24 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *SPEC*ill4death : /ms
21:31:01 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_kicp2_final> *SPEC*ill4death : rtv
21:31:04 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_kicp2_final> Koveak : rtv
21:31:05 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_kicp2_final> PapaWeeD : rtv
21:31:41 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_kicp2_final> Koveak : nextmapo
21:31:55 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_kicp2_final> Koveak : lol if u cant do kicp3..
21:32:06 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_kicp2_final> Koveak : i mean for coincland
21:32:16 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_kicp2_final> PapaWeeD : i dunno em
21:32:20 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_kicp2_final> Koveak : np :P
21:32:35 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
21:32:35 "ill4death<282><STEAM_0:0:3805830><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
21:32:37 "Sm0k33z<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
21:32:54 "PapaWeeD<286><STEAM_0:1:682378><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
21:33:15 "Koveak<287><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running concmap_my4
21:34:16 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> Koveak : /ms
21:34:22 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_my4> ill4death : /ms
21:37:41 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> Koveak : /ms
21:37:45 <STEAM_0:0:3805830><> <concmap_my4> ill4death : /ms
21:38:35 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> Koveak : /ms
21:38:50 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> Koveak : bleh the elevator dont like me
21:42:36 "ill4death<282><STEAM_0:0:3805830><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running concmap_my4
21:45:57 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> Koveak : /ms
21:46:02 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : /ms
21:46:56 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : a regular 2 conc works btw.. works easier for me than throwing it down there
21:47:01 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : n1 :p
21:47:05 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : :D
21:47:17 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : ahead :p
21:47:34 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : btw use 1 conc
21:47:37 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : and go to left
21:47:44 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : theres a place you can land
21:47:52 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : use regular conc
21:48:03 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : now use 2
21:48:10 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : type noclipme
21:48:16 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : so you see the jump
21:48:24 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : noclipme`
21:48:30 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : noclipme
21:48:36 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : ok go ahead
21:48:38 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : over that
21:48:39 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : yea
21:48:44 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : see the ground
21:48:47 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : next to fence
21:48:50 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : its where u gotta land
21:48:53 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : now type
21:48:55 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : noclipoff`
21:48:59 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : noclipoff
21:49:08 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : 2concs
21:50:22 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : you got a low mosue sensivity right?
21:50:29 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : mouse
21:50:37 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : i guess
21:50:48 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : well used to 51.0 ..
21:50:58 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : 5
21:51:02 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : lol
21:51:11 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : jump over
21:51:17 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : throw a conc near the sewer
21:51:22 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : and drop at 3
21:51:38 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : no u wont get it from there
21:51:52 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : dont walk foreward
21:51:54 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : just fall down
21:51:56 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : from whereyou are
21:51:57 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : use 2
21:53:34 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : smokezz = my_name_here?
21:53:42 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> Sm0k33z : :)
21:53:46 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : lol :p
21:54:55 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : meh!
21:55:07 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : i dont like this one
21:57:01 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : u crash on conc_egypt koveak?
21:57:10 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : i do
21:57:16 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : yea
21:57:19 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : well at last jump
21:57:36 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : you crash too?
21:57:48 <STEAM_0:1:682378><> <concmap_my4> PapaWeeD : yayaya
21:57:48 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : nice weed
21:57:57 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : that damn model i put in the last jump blows it for everyone :)
21:58:03 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : :(
21:58:07 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : lol
21:58:09 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : gj
21:58:22 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : up and away
21:58:23 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : may be the server though.. never tryed the map in another server
21:58:40 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : so u never say the ending to the map?
21:58:46 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : cuz conc_school+ concskillz wont work if u only download from here
21:58:56 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : hrmz
21:58:57 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : nope never saw the end of concegypt
21:59:13 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : that sucks ... i like the ending i made
21:59:16 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : if u want the 2 maps i said before u gotta go 1concmap or vote
21:59:22 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : has extra jumps also
21:59:23 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : You made egypt?
21:59:28 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : ya
21:59:35 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : lol? nice dude
21:59:38 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : ty
21:59:47 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : made a few more also
22:00:01 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : you made the 3 jumps crazy map.. i remember that :p
22:00:06 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : n1 papa
22:00:10 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : cant make any btw so..
22:00:14 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : yer ... conc_tripod
22:00:18 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : yeah that
22:00:19 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : lol
22:00:33 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : conc_macho_r
22:00:39 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : is another
22:00:41 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : and i saw on utube today someone from vi reconrding the first jum
22:00:44 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : macho, not sure i saw it
22:00:53 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : conc_kamilah
22:00:59 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : but first tripod's jump looked awesome
22:01:03 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : ty
22:01:26 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : hope ima be able to download it..
22:01:34 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : u will
22:01:39 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : not too bad
22:01:39 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : k
22:01:51 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : egypr is crazy
22:02:01 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <concmap_my4> *SPEC*Koveak : real fun :p
22:02:10 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running conc_macho_r
22:02:12 "Sm0k33z<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running conc_macho_r
22:02:55 "Koveak<289><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running conc_macho_r
22:03:20 "skip<290><STEAM_0:1:524437><>" entered the game with server running conc_macho_r
22:03:38 "Koveak<289><STEAM_0:1:2476164><Macho>" disconnected with server running conc_macho_r
22:03:55 "Koveak<291><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running conc_macho_r
22:04:00 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : bleh
22:04:04 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : bad cash.file
22:04:06 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : or somethign
22:04:20 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : tought so, else id know this map..
22:04:36 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : made it some time ago
22:04:47 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : almost forgot bout it :P
22:04:53 "Koveak<291><STEAM_0:1:2476164><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_macho_r
22:05:07 "Koveak<293><STEAM_0:1:2476164><>" entered the game with server running conc_macho_r
22:06:03 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : lol
22:06:16 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : camt go further or i d/c
22:06:17 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : rtv
22:06:31 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : the server is laggy ?
22:06:40 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : nah.. bad downloadfil
22:06:46 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <conc_macho_r> skip : i keep freezing
22:06:47 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : this is the server i guess
22:07:13 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : o ... extra jump eh
22:07:50 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : kov .... noclip to the top plat at the end
22:08:02 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : noclipme
22:08:25 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : can u drop on that?
22:08:31 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : noclipcheat
22:08:35 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : stay
22:08:41 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : 'warning' automatic target
22:08:42 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : lol
22:09:25 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : hah
22:10:00 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : music
22:10:09 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : go back
22:10:37 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : hit the misic
22:10:44 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : lawl
22:11:02 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : ok ... i sshall tell u the secret ...
22:11:09 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : lol go ahead :p
22:11:11 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : go in water
22:11:29 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : see red light at top of pillar
22:11:56 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : hmm sec french canadian here
22:12:00 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : lemme check what pillars is
22:12:14 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : main column
22:12:28 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : ghm
22:12:33 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : yea i guess
22:12:42 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : see it
22:12:47 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : this right?
22:13:05 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : go up and yous your use button on it
22:13:08 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : hen
22:13:12 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : then
22:13:30 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : you haver to go in water ... a door will be open
22:13:33 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : there?
22:13:44 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : yep ... think so
22:13:55 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : or .. just noclip to it
22:14:03 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : yea..
22:14:08 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : noclipme
22:14:17 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : yea
22:14:17 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : noclipcheat
22:14:24 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : up
22:14:39 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : spikeball
22:14:42 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : muahaha
22:14:45 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : lol
22:14:49 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : u shopuld see yourself
22:14:55 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : :x
22:14:59 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : cant type tonight
22:15:19 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : go show skip
22:15:42 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : u lost everything
22:15:43 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : skip come back at begening
22:15:51 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <conc_macho_r> skip : nah thats ok
22:15:57 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : lol kay
22:16:13 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : hes on a bitch-o-a-jump
22:16:29 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : when it works its easy
22:16:39 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <conc_macho_r> skip : be easier if i didnt keep freezing
22:16:44 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> *SPEC*Sm0k33z : yer
22:16:45 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : :p
22:18:46 <STEAM_0:1:2476164><> <conc_macho_r> Koveak : oh well gg guys
22:18:48 "Koveak<293><STEAM_0:1:2476164><Macho>" disconnected with server running conc_macho_r
22:19:00 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : new map?
22:19:17 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <conc_macho_r> skip : what do you have in mind?
22:19:31 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : been a while for me ...
22:19:32 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : erm
22:19:49 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : concmap_kicp4_final
22:19:56 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : to warm up a bit
22:20:25 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <conc_macho_r> skip : that map brings back memories
22:20:30 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : yer
22:20:37 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : a bit older
22:20:41 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : fo sho
22:21:04 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : rtv
22:21:21 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <conc_macho_r> skip : rtv
22:21:21 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : what bout u?
22:21:31 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <conc_macho_r> Sm0k33z : conck3
22:21:41 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <conc_macho_r> skip : whatever is fine
22:22:51 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp4_final
22:22:53 "skip<290><STEAM_0:1:524437><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp4_final
22:22:53 "Sm0k33z<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp4_final
22:27:22 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : n1
22:27:32 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : ty
22:27:33 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : nio hh
22:28:51 "GOND<296><STEAM_0:0:1584248><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp4_final
22:32:39 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : you know all the secrets on this map?
22:32:40 "GOND<296><STEAM_0:0:1584248><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_kicp4_final
22:32:50 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : yer
22:32:56 "GOND<297><STEAM_0:0:1584248><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kicp4_final
22:33:06 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : theres 5 of them
22:33:48 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : thiink i know them all
22:34:01 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : pron .. grav ,,wtc
22:34:07 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : etc
22:34:19 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : under waterfall
22:34:46 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <concmap_kicp4_final> *SPEC*GOND : rtv
22:34:51 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : flag, ball, low gravity, teleport key, and porn
22:34:53 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : do i know u skip?
22:34:59 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : yer
22:35:19 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : look
22:35:40 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : erm
22:36:01 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : yea you knwo me
22:36:15 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : i imagine i would
22:36:45 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : do you know who i am?
22:36:47 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : been a while for me concing
22:36:50 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : neg
22:36:59 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : did you look at the spray?
22:37:08 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : yes
22:37:22 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : do you see the name?
22:38:03 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : ?
22:38:54 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : do tell ... i have a fair amount of beer in my liver atm :P
22:39:13 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : well i know you can read
22:39:21 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : read the name on the spray
22:39:29 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : u truly are gifted :P
22:39:33 <STEAM_0:0:1584248><> <concmap_kicp4_final> *SPEC*GOND :
22:39:49 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : ic whales
22:40:02 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : huh?
22:40:41 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : gond u here?
22:40:43 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : are you ok?
22:40:46 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : yer
22:41:01 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : you knwo who i am , right?
22:41:21 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : if i did i think i would say
22:41:44 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : ok well on the bottom left of the spray it says smokes
22:42:01 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : so if i were to guess
22:42:08 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : i would say im smokes
22:42:14 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : i dont see that?
22:42:20 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : really?
22:42:28 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : good to see you smokey
22:42:32 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : neg
22:42:39 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : you too
22:42:40 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : dunno ... i cant see it
22:42:47 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : come to jump 1
22:43:11 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : is my spray not working for you?
22:43:35 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : its a conc with fire coming out the back of it
22:43:40 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : and it says smokes
22:44:06 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : i see .... "fuck the whales, save my ass!!"
22:44:10 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : LMAO
22:44:10 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : what do you see?
22:44:14 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : lool
22:44:38 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : must have over written your spray on my side?
22:45:04 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : hmm
22:45:12 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : i dunno
22:45:13 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : smokes ... u conc much these days?
22:45:20 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : no
22:45:26 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : i just happend to jump on
22:45:31 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : play ctf mostly
22:45:40 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : play dod mostly
22:46:01 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : been playing a bit for the last 3 months or so
22:46:19 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : before that i hadn't played in about 8 months
22:46:50 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : member when i changed my name to Smokey^notvi for a long time so not to confuse peops
22:47:05 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : yea
22:47:22 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : this lag is killin mme
22:47:23 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : now people are confused again
22:47:28 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : yer
22:47:31 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : tis ok
22:47:36 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : not that i care
22:47:51 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : i usually go around as Name_Here
22:48:22 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : go gond
22:48:41 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : lets go smokes
22:48:43 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : race
22:48:57 "GOND<297><STEAM_0:0:1584248><Concers>" disconnected with server running concmap_kicp4_final
22:49:03 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : go
22:49:05 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : race?
22:49:14 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : for the hell of it
22:49:23 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : k then i gotta go to bed
22:49:27 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : kk
22:49:33 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kicp4_final> Sm0k33z : go
22:52:40 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kicp4_final> skip : gg
22:52:49 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kod_r
22:52:51 "skip<290><STEAM_0:1:524437><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kod_r
22:52:52 "Sm0k33z<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><>" entered the game with server running concmap_kod_r
22:53:04 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kod_r> skip : i finished
22:53:14 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kod_r> Sm0k33z : no u didnt :P
22:53:20 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kod_r> skip : yes i did
22:53:24 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kod_r> Sm0k33z : n1
22:53:28 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kod_r> skip : ty
22:53:35 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kod_r> skip : right before i said gg
22:53:39 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kod_r> skip : anyway
22:53:42 <STEAM_0:1:524437><> <concmap_kod_r> skip : gn
22:53:47 "skip<290><STEAM_0:1:524437><Blue Scouts>" disconnected with server running concmap_kod_r
22:53:48 <STEAM_0:0:2285873><> <concmap_kod_r> Sm0k33z : tpeace
22:54:40 "Sm0k33z<277><STEAM_0:0:2285873><Red Medics>" disconnected with server running concmap_kod_r
23:21:57 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_Luna
23:51:03 "CofC TV<1><HLTV><>" entered the game with server running concmap_mc