Chat Logger

01:54:41 "-[EVIL]- Bishop<7><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game from <> with server running concmap2
01:54:44 <STEAM_0:1:3721192> <concmap2> (Team) -[EVIL]- Bishop : <-- Scout
01:55:00 "-[EVIL]- Bishop<7><STEAM_0:1:3721192><>" entered the game from <> with server running conc_genwarfare_r
01:55:04 <STEAM_0:1:3721192> <conc_genwarfare_r> (Team) -[EVIL]- Bishop : <-- Medic
01:57:39 "ez<9><STEAM_0:0:7940436><>" entered the game from <> with server running conc_genwarfare_r
02:22:45 "Player<11><STEAM_0:1:447880086><>" entered the game from <> with server running conc_genwarfare_r
02:24:20 "Conc_Worshiper (3)<11><STEAM_0:1:447880086><ass backwards>" disconnected with server running conc_genwarfare_r
02:27:01 "Conc_Worshiper (2)<9><STEAM_0:0:7940436><SPECTATOR>" disconnected with server running conc_genwarfare_r
02:33:00 "-[EVIL]- Bishop<7><STEAM_0:1:3721192><soldiers of genitalia>" disconnected with server running conc_genwarfare_r
11:29:23 "Player<13><STEAM_0:0:9955185><>" entered the game from <> with server running concmap2
11:31:48 "Conc_Worshiper (1)<13><STEAM_0:0:9955185><Blue>" disconnected with server running concmap2