Map Downloads Church of Conc has about 350 maps, most of which are skillmaps, but many of the classic CTF and OvD maps are here as well. It is hard to keep active links to map downloads, but a google search on TFC maps is usually successful. |
Map Sugestions If you would like the server to add a specific map, post your request via The Church of Conc ![]() ![]() |
Map Difficulty For the Skill Statistics, skills maps are given a difficulty rating. A list of map difficulies can be found here. If a map hasn't been assigned a difficulty rating, or it has not yet been completed since the difficulty rating was assigned, then it will not be listed. |
Map List |
[ #'s ] 2fort 2fort_toon_tc 2kfort4 2kfort5 2mesa3 55 | ||||||
[ A - B ] acropolis2 anticonc aowconc Acropolis2 alchimy alchimy_l alchimy_l2 armageddon artifact avanti ass_dm axlfly baconbowl_r badlands bases2k1 bases2k3 bc_highconc bitchconc_r blu_roasted_b5 blugiant blutopia bunnyhop [ C ]
[ D - E ] darkness destroy_l dub_forever dustbowl engy_2v2 engy_buildmap epicenter esad_bunnyhop esad_hauntconc esad_hauntconc2 esad_highjump esad_newbconc esad_raceconc esad_raceconc2 esad_seconc esad_speedconc esad_strafe esad_strafe2 esk_escape esk_escape_pt2 evenflow exchange_l [ F - K ] firefortress fishyconc2 fishyconc3_r flagrun freakle3 freefall4 fry_baked fry_complex fry_laser fry_morefort fu_bhop-ost gtf_conc_n haste haste_r hellion high_flag high_security hunted hwguyz2 impact_conc intenuddamark_r intenuddamark2_r jager juggle_jolt juggle_prac jump_strafe jump_strafe2 jumpskillz jumpstart ksour K_ConcMap K_Soldier [ L - P ] lbwell l_concland2 l_concland4a l_concland4b l_concworld_r mecklenburg_b4v6 megrim midairtfc_s minigolf minigolf2 minigolf3 monkey_l morefirefortress mortality_l mulch_dm mulch_trench multiskillz_r multiskillz2 murderball newb_conc nyro_strafe openfire openfire_l openfire_lowgrens oppose oppose2k1 oppose2k1_lowgrens palermo phantom phsyco_ward_r pipejump2001-r pipe_conc_jump pitfall planet_conc pull push pwnt pyrojump [ Q - S ] quad_airshot quad_rocket r123 ravelin redgiant rjump2 rjump2001 rj_rawr rock2 rp22 rr_conc run run3_r sad_conc sc5x_bonus_beta1 sc5x_bonus_beta2 schtop sconc scrummage security_r sg_conc shipwrecked shipwrecked_pt2 shutdown2 siege skeeconc skeeconc_ultimate smear_the_queer smooth snipernosniping soccer_concer sollymap_aw spacefort srace_b4d ss_nyx_ectfc ss_shortcut stealth_exe_v2 stfu_and_climb [ T - Z ] tams_quad_r tayconc tayconc2 tayconc3 tayconc3_r tempest_r3 tfc_legoland2 the-climb throwflag think_concing torch2 twistedfort_small ukfootie velocity vidar2 Vidars voltage_l warpath warpath_l wildwest_shootout well well_now xmas2fort xmaswell3 xpress2k4 yeger_wig |