
Comments and suggestions are welcome and can be posted on the
The Church of Conc steam group or via IRC on #Church_of_Conc on <>.

A Global Phenomenon
November 1st, 2024 - Bishop

Added a map showing the location of Church of Conc players. Concers from Around the World have tested thier skills on the server - see how many Concers are in your neighborhood.

New Server Hardware
December 14th, 2023 - Bishop

The server has upgraded hardware and operating system to keep you concing for the next 15 years!

New Server IP
April 16th, 2022 - Bishop

The new server IP address is:

New Server IP
December 8th, 2017 - Bishop

The new server IP address is:

New Server IP
September 24th, 2017 - Bishop

The new server IP address is:

New Server IP
April 7th, 2017 - Bishop

The new server IP address is:

New Server IP
March 30th, 2016 - Bishop

The new server IP address is:

New Server IP
May 25th, 2015 - Bishop

The new server IP address is:

New Server IP
May 31st, 2014 - Bishop

The new server IP address is:

New map vote plugin!
June 4th, 2011 - Bishop

A new map voting plugin has been installed on the server - Galileo. A few of its features include:
- A runoff vote if a map doesn't receive at least 50%.
- If your alone on the server, the map changes right after the vote.
- the nominate command works for partial matches.

Server IP
August 25th, 2010 - Bishop

The server is now running on new hardware.
Stats are back up and the new server IP address is:

Skill Statistics are Back!
August 16th, 2010 - Bishop

Everything should be back to normal. All stats have been restored except for the last month of stats before the crash.
The website is back up as well. If you have a specific speedrun or map completion you want recorded from that month, talk to me.
I can probably verify and manually insert the entry into the database. Hope to see you all in game.

Stats Down
July 2nd, 2010 - Bishop

Stats are down due to hardware failure. I will have to try to fix when I return from 2 week business trip.

New Maps
December 13th, 2009 - Bishop

The following 21 maps have been added to the server:
conc_falls_esc, conc_kimura, conc_legacy, conc_legacy2, conc_legacy3, Conc_Sasser, conc_songoku,
conc_strafe4, conc_towelie, conc_wub, conc_wub2, concmap_as, concmap_esc4, concmap_Luna, concmap_xtc,
intenuddamark_r, intenuddamark2_r, minigolf3, multiskillz2, sad_conc, skeeconc_ultimate

New Server IP
December 4th, 2009 - Bishop is the new IP for The Chuch of Conc.
Don't forget to update your favorites.

New Maps
October 2nd, 2009 - Bishop

The following maps were added 10/1/2009 per request:
concmap_cpt, concmap_cpt2, concmap_eze2, concmap_ezm, concmap_ill4death,
concmap_joe, concmap_joe2, concmap_mm_r, concmap_mm2, concmap_mm3,
concmap_vi5, Concmap_zG7, conc_damned, conc_damned2, conc_david,
conc_jeepers, conc_jeepers2, conc_relic, conc_relic2, conc_tripod

Conc Skill Statistics
September 19th, 2009 - Bishop

The server now tracks conc skill statistics. You can view or stats in game or in more detail on the web at